""" This file is part of alot. Alot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Alot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with notmuch. If not, see . Copyright (C) 2011 Patrick Totzke """ from notmuch import Database, NotmuchError, XapianError import notmuch from datetime import datetime from collections import deque from message import Message from settings import notmuchconfig as config DB_ENC = 'utf-8' class DatabaseError(Exception): pass class DatabaseROError(DatabaseError): pass class DatabaseLockedError(DatabaseError): pass class DBManager(object): """ keeps track of your index parameters, can create notmuch.Query objects from its Database on demand and implements a bunch of database specific functions. """ def __init__(self, path=None, ro=False): """ :param path: absolute path to the notmuch index :type path: str :param ro: open the index in read-only mode :type ro: boolean """ self.ro = ro self.path = path self.writequeue = deque([]) def flush(self): """ tries to flush all queued write commands to the index. :exception: :exc:`DatabaseROError` if db is opened in read-only mode :exception: :exc:`DatabaseLockedError` if db is locked """ if self.ro: raise DatabaseROError() if self.writequeue: try: mode = Database.MODE.READ_WRITE db = Database(path=self.path, mode=mode) except NotmuchError: raise DatabaseLockedError() while self.writequeue: current_item = self.writequeue.popleft() cmd, querystring, tags, sync = current_item try: # make this a transaction db.begin_atomic() except XapianError: raise DatabaseError() query = db.create_query(querystring) for msg in query.search_messages(): msg.freeze() if cmd == 'tag': for tag in tags: msg.add_tag(tag.encode(DB_ENC), sync_maildir_flags=sync) if cmd == 'set': msg.remove_all_tags() for tag in tags: msg.add_tag(tag.encode(DB_ENC), sync_maildir_flags=sync) elif cmd == 'untag': for tag in tags: msg.remove_tag(tag.encode(DB_ENC), sync_maildir_flags=sync) msg.thaw() # end transaction and reinsert queue item on error if db.end_atomic() != notmuch.STATUS.SUCCESS: self.writequeue.appendleft(current_item) def tag(self, querystring, tags, remove_rest=False): """ add tags to all matching messages. Raises :exc:`DatabaseROError` if in read only mode. :param querystring: notmuch search string :type querystring: str :param tags: a list of tags to be added :type tags: list of str :param remove_rest: remove tags from matching messages before tagging :type remove_rest: boolean :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` """ if self.ro: raise DatabaseROError() sync_maildir_flags = config.getboolean('maildir', 'synchronize_flags') if remove_rest: self.writequeue.append(('set', querystring, tags, sync_maildir_flags)) else: self.writequeue.append(('tag', querystring, tags, sync_maildir_flags)) def untag(self, querystring, tags): """ add tags to all matching messages. Raises :exc:`DatabaseROError` if in read only mode. :param querystring: notmuch search string :type querystring: str :param tags: a list of tags to be added :type tags: list of str :exception: :exc:`NotmuchError` """ if self.ro: raise DatabaseROError() sync_maildir_flags = config.getboolean('maildir', 'synchronize_flags') self.writequeue.append(('untag', querystring, tags, sync_maildir_flags)) def count_messages(self, querystring): """returns number of messages that match querystring""" return self.query(querystring).count_messages() def search_thread_ids(self, querystring): """returns the ids of all threads that match the querystring This copies! all integer thread ids into an new list.""" threads = self.query(querystring).search_threads() return [thread.get_thread_id() for thread in threads] def get_thread(self, tid): """returns the thread with given id as alot.db.Thread object""" query = self.query('thread:' + tid) #TODO raise exceptions here in 01 try: return Thread(self, query.search_threads().next()) except: return None def get_message(self, mid): """returns the message with given id as alot.message.Message object""" mode = Database.MODE.READ_ONLY db = Database(path=self.path, mode=mode) msg = db.find_message(mid) return Message(self, msg) def get_all_tags(self): """returns all tags as list of strings""" db = Database(path=self.path) return [t for t in db.get_all_tags()] def query(self, querystring): """creates notmuch.Query objects on demand :param querystring: The query string to use for the lookup :type query: str. :returns: notmuch.Query -- the query object. """ mode = Database.MODE.READ_ONLY db = Database(path=self.path, mode=mode) return db.create_query(querystring) class Thread(object): def __init__(self, dbman, thread): """ :param dbman: db manager that is used for further lookups :type dbman: alot.db.DBManager :param msg: the wrapped thread :type msg: notmuch.database.Thread """ self._dbman = dbman self._id = thread.get_thread_id() self.refresh(thread) def refresh(self, thread=None): if not thread: query = self._dbman.query('thread:' + self._id) thread = query.search_threads().next() self._total_messages = thread.get_total_messages() self._authors = thread.get_authors() self._subject = thread.get_subject() ts = thread.get_oldest_date() self._oldest_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) self._newest_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(thread.get_newest_date()) self._tags = set([t for t in thread.get_tags()]) self._messages = {} # this maps messages to its children self._toplevel_messages = [] def __str__(self): return "thread:%s: %s" % (self._id, self.get_subject()) def get_thread_id(self): """returns id of this thread""" return self._id def get_tags(self): """returns tags attached to this thread as list of strings""" l = list(self._tags) l.sort() return l def add_tags(self, tags): """adds tags to all messages in this thread :param tags: tags to add :type tags: list of str """ newtags = set(tags).difference(self._tags) if newtags: self._dbman.tag('thread:' + self._id, newtags) self._tags = self._tags.union(newtags) def remove_tags(self, tags): """remove tags from all messages in this thread :param tags: tags to remove :type tags: list of str """ rmtags = set(tags).intersection(self._tags) if rmtags: self._dbman.untag('thread:' + self._id, tags) self._tags = self._tags.difference(rmtags) def set_tags(self, tags): """set tags of all messages in this thread. This removes all tags and attaches the given ones in one step. :param tags: tags to add :type tags: list of str """ if tags != self._tags: self._dbman.tag('thread:' + self._id, tags, remove_rest=True) self._tags = set(tags) def get_authors(self): # TODO: make this return a list of strings """returns all authors in this thread""" return self._authors def get_subject(self): """returns this threads subject""" return self._subject def get_toplevel_messages(self): """returns all toplevel messages as list of :class:`Message`""" if not self._messages: self.get_messages() return self._toplevel_messages def get_messages(self): """returns all messages in this thread :returns: dict mapping all contained :class:`Message`s to a list of their respective children. """ if not self._messages: query = self._dbman.query('thread:' + self._id) thread = query.search_threads().next() def accumulate(acc, msg): M = Message(self._dbman, msg, thread=self) acc[M] = [] r = msg.get_replies() if r is not None: for m in r: acc[M].append(accumulate(acc, m)) return M self._messages = {} for m in thread.get_toplevel_messages(): self._toplevel_messages.append(accumulate(self._messages, m)) return self._messages def get_replies_to(self, msg): """returns all replies to the given message :param msg: the parent message, must be contained in thread :type msg: alot.sb.Message """ mid = msg.get_message_id() msg_hash = self.get_messages() for m in msg_hash.keys(): if m.get_message_id() == mid: return msg_hash[m] return None def get_newest_date(self): """returns date header of newest message in this thread as datetime""" return self._newest_date def get_oldest_date(self): """returns date header of oldest message in this thread as datetime""" return self._oldest_date def get_total_messages(self): """returns number of contained messages""" return self._total_messages