# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file import re import os import glob import logging import argparse import alot.commands as commands from alot.buffers import EnvelopeBuffer from alot.settings import settings from alot.utils.booleanaction import BooleanAction from alot.helper import split_commandline class Completer(object): """base class for completers""" def complete(self, original, pos): """returns a list of completions and cursor positions for the string original from position pos on. :param original: the string to complete :type original: str :param pos: starting position to complete from :type pos: int :returns: pairs of completed string and cursor position in the new string :rtype: list of (str, int) """ return list() def relevant_part(self, original, pos, sep=' '): """ calculates the subword in a `sep`-splitted list of substrings of `original` that `pos` is ia.n """ start = original.rfind(sep, 0, pos) + 1 end = original.find(sep, pos - 1) if end == -1: end = len(original) return original[start:end], start, end, pos - start class StringlistCompleter(Completer): """completer for a fixed list of strings""" def __init__(self, resultlist, ignorecase=True, match_anywhere=False): """ :param resultlist: strings used for completion :type resultlist: list of str :param liberal: match case insensitive and not prefix-only :type liberal: bool """ self.resultlist = resultlist self.flags = re.IGNORECASE if ignorecase else 0 self.match_anywhere = match_anywhere def complete(self, original, pos): pref = original[:pos] re_prefix = '.*' if self.match_anywhere else '' def match(s, m): r = re_prefix + m + '.*' return re.match(r, s, flags=self.flags) is not None return [(a, len(a)) for a in self.resultlist if match(a, pref)] class MultipleSelectionCompleter(Completer): """ Meta-Completer that turns any Completer into one that deals with a list of completion strings using the wrapped Completer. This allows for example to easily construct a completer for comma separated recipient-lists using a :class:`ContactsCompleter`. """ def __init__(self, completer, separator=', '): """ :param completer: completer to use for individual substrings :type completer: Completer :param separator: separator used to split the completion string into substrings to be fed to `completer`. :type separator: str """ self._completer = completer self._separator = separator def relevant_part(self, original, pos): """ calculates the subword of `original` that `pos` is in """ start = original.rfind(self._separator, 0, pos) if start == -1: start = 0 else: start = start + len(self._separator) end = original.find(self._separator, pos - 1) if end == -1: end = len(original) return original[start:end], start, end, pos - start def complete(self, original, pos): mypart, start, end, mypos = self.relevant_part(original, pos) res = [] for c, p in self._completer.complete(mypart, mypos): newprefix = original[:start] + c if not original[end:].startswith(self._separator): newprefix += self._separator res.append((newprefix + original[end:], len(newprefix))) return res class QueryCompleter(Completer): """completion for a notmuch query string""" def __init__(self, dbman): """ :param dbman: used to look up avaliable tagstrings :type dbman: :class:`~alot.db.DBManager` """ self.dbman = dbman abooks = settings.get_addressbooks() self._abookscompleter = AbooksCompleter(abooks, addressesonly=True) self._tagcompleter = TagCompleter(dbman) self.keywords = ['tag', 'from', 'to', 'subject', 'attachment', 'is', 'id', 'thread', 'folder'] def complete(self, original, pos): mypart, start, end, mypos = self.relevant_part(original, pos) myprefix = mypart[:mypos] m = re.search('(tag|is|to|from):(\w*)', myprefix) if m: cmd, params = m.groups() cmdlen = len(cmd) + 1 # length of the keyword part incld colon if cmd in ['to', 'from']: localres = self._abookscompleter.complete(mypart[cmdlen:], mypos - cmdlen) else: localres = self._tagcompleter.complete(mypart[cmdlen:], mypos - cmdlen) resultlist = [] for ltxt, lpos in localres: newtext = original[:start] + cmd + ':' + ltxt + original[end:] newpos = start + len(cmd) + 1 + lpos resultlist.append((newtext, newpos)) return resultlist else: matched = filter(lambda t: t.startswith(myprefix), self.keywords) resultlist = [] for keyword in matched: newprefix = original[:start] + keyword + ':' resultlist.append((newprefix + original[end:], len(newprefix))) return resultlist class TagCompleter(StringlistCompleter): """complete a tagstring""" def __init__(self, dbman): """ :param dbman: used to look up avaliable tagstrings :type dbman: :class:`~alot.db.DBManager` """ resultlist = dbman.get_all_tags() StringlistCompleter.__init__(self, resultlist) class TagsCompleter(MultipleSelectionCompleter): """completion for a comma separated list of tagstrings""" def __init__(self, dbman): """ :param dbman: used to look up avaliable tagstrings :type dbman: :class:`~alot.db.DBManager` """ self._completer = TagCompleter(dbman) self._separator = ',' class ContactsCompleter(MultipleSelectionCompleter): """completes contacts from given address books""" def __init__(self, abooks, addressesonly=False): """ :param abooks: used to look up email addresses :type abooks: list of :class:`~alot.account.AddresBook` :param addressesonly: only insert address, not the realname of the contact :type addressesonly: bool """ self._completer = AbooksCompleter(abooks, addressesonly=addressesonly) self._separator = ', ' class AbooksCompleter(Completer): """completes a contact from given address books""" def __init__(self, abooks, addressesonly=False): """ :param abooks: used to look up email addresses :type abooks: list of :class:`~alot.account.AddresBook` :param addressesonly: only insert address, not the realname of the contact :type addressesonly: bool """ self.abooks = abooks self.addressesonly = addressesonly def complete(self, original, pos): if not self.abooks: return [] prefix = original[:pos] res = [] for abook in self.abooks: res = res + abook.lookup(prefix) if self.addressesonly: returnlist = [(email, len(email)) for (name, email) in res] else: returnlist = [] for name, email in res: if name: newtext = "%s <%s>" % (name, email) else: newtext = email returnlist.append((newtext, len(newtext))) return returnlist class ArgparseOptionCompleter(Completer): """completes option parameters for a given argparse.Parser""" def __init__(self, parser): """ :param parser: the option parser we look up parameter and choices from :type parser: `argparse.ArgumentParser` """ self.parser = parser self.actions = parser._optionals._actions def complete(self, original, pos): pref = original[:pos] res = [] for act in self.actions: if '=' in pref: optionstring = pref[:pref.rfind('=') + 1] # get choices if 'choices' in act.__dict__: # TODO: respect prefix choices = act.choices or [] res = res + [optionstring + a for a in choices] else: for optionstring in act.option_strings: if optionstring.startswith(pref): # append '=' for options that await a string value if isinstance(act, argparse._StoreAction) or\ isinstance(act, BooleanAction): optionstring += '=' res.append(optionstring) return [(a, len(a)) for a in res] class AccountCompleter(StringlistCompleter): """completes users' own mailaddresses""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): accounts = settings.get_accounts() resultlist = ["%s <%s>" % (a.realname, a.address) for a in accounts] StringlistCompleter.__init__(self, resultlist, match_anywhere=True, **kwargs) class CommandNameCompleter(Completer): """completes command names""" def __init__(self, mode): """ :param mode: mode identifier :type mode: str """ self.mode = mode def complete(self, original, pos): #TODO refine should get current querystring commandprefix = original[:pos] logging.debug('original="%s" prefix="%s"' % (original, commandprefix)) cmdlist = commands.COMMANDS['global'].copy() cmdlist.update(commands.COMMANDS[self.mode]) matching = [t for t in cmdlist if t.startswith(commandprefix)] return [(t, len(t)) for t in matching] class CommandCompleter(Completer): """completes one command consisting of command name and parameters""" def __init__(self, dbman, mode, currentbuffer=None): """ :param dbman: used to look up avaliable tagstrings :type dbman: :class:`~alot.db.DBManager` :param mode: mode identifier :type mode: str :param currentbuffer: currently active buffer. If defined, this will be used to dynamically extract possible completion strings :type currentbuffer: :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer` """ self.dbman = dbman self.mode = mode self.currentbuffer = currentbuffer self._commandnamecompleter = CommandNameCompleter(mode) self._querycompleter = QueryCompleter(dbman) self._tagcompleter = TagCompleter(dbman) abooks = settings.get_addressbooks() self._contactscompleter = ContactsCompleter(abooks) self._pathcompleter = PathCompleter() self._accountscompleter = AccountCompleter() def complete(self, line, pos): # remember how many preceding space characters we see until the command # string starts. We'll continue to complete from there on and will add # these whitespaces again at the very end whitespaceoffset = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) line = line[whitespaceoffset:] pos = pos - whitespaceoffset words = line.split(' ', 1) res = [] if pos <= len(words[0]): # we complete commands for cmd, cpos in self._commandnamecompleter.complete(line, pos): newtext = ('%s %s' % (cmd, ' '.join(words[1:]))) res.append((newtext, cpos + 1)) else: cmd, params = words localpos = pos - (len(cmd) + 1) parser = commands.lookup_parser(cmd, self.mode) # set 'res' - the result set of matching completionstrings # depending on the current mode and command # detect if we are completing optional parameter arguments_until_now = params[:localpos].split(' ') all_optionals = True logging.debug(str(arguments_until_now)) for a in arguments_until_now: logging.debug(a) if a and not a.startswith('-'): all_optionals = False # complete optional parameter if # 1. all arguments prior to current position are optional parameter # 2. the parameter starts with '-' or we are at its beginning if all_optionals: myarg = arguments_until_now[-1] start_myarg = params.rindex(myarg) beforeme = params[:start_myarg] # set up local stringlist completer # and let it complete for given list of options localcompleter = ArgparseOptionCompleter(parser) localres = localcompleter.complete(myarg, len(myarg)) res = [(beforeme + c, p + start_myarg) for (c, p) in localres] # global elif cmd == 'search': res = self._querycompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif cmd == 'help': res = self._commandnamecompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif cmd in ['compose']: res = self._contactscompleter.complete(params, localpos) # search elif self.mode == 'search' and cmd == 'refine': res = self._querycompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif self.mode == 'search' and cmd in ['tag', 'retag', 'untag', 'toggletags']: localcomp = MultipleSelectionCompleter(self._tagcompleter, separator=',') res = localcomp.complete(params, localpos) elif self.mode == 'search' and cmd == 'toggletag': localcomp = MultipleSelectionCompleter(self._tagcompleter, separator=' ') res = localcomp.complete(params, localpos) # envelope elif self.mode == 'envelope' and cmd == 'set': plist = params.split(' ', 1) if len(plist) == 1: # complete from header keys localprefix = params headers = ['Subject', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc', 'In-Reply-To', 'From'] localcompleter = StringlistCompleter(headers) localres = localcompleter.complete(localprefix, localpos) res = [(c, p + 6) for (c, p) in localres] else: # must have 2 elements header, params = plist localpos = localpos - (len(header) + 1) if header.lower() in ['to', 'cc', 'bcc']: res = self._contactscompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif header.lower() == 'from': res = self._accountscompleter.complete(params, localpos) # prepend 'set ' + header and correct position def f((completed, pos)): return ('%s %s' % (header, completed), pos + len(header) + 1) res = map(f, res) logging.debug(res) elif self.mode == 'envelope' and cmd == 'unset': plist = params.split(' ', 1) if len(plist) == 1: # complete from header keys localprefix = params buf = self.currentbuffer if buf: if isinstance(buf, EnvelopeBuffer): available = buf.envelope.headers.keys() localcompleter = StringlistCompleter(available) localres = localcompleter.complete(localprefix, localpos) res = [(c, p + 6) for (c, p) in localres] elif self.mode == 'envelope' and cmd == 'attach': res = self._pathcompleter.complete(params, localpos) # thread elif self.mode == 'thread' and cmd == 'save': res = self._pathcompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif self.mode == 'thread' and cmd in ['tag', 'retag', 'untag', 'toggletags']: localcomp = MultipleSelectionCompleter(self._tagcompleter, separator=',') res = localcomp.complete(params, localpos) # prepend cmd and correct position res = [('%s %s' % (cmd, t), p + len(cmd) + 1) for (t, p) in res] # re-insert whitespaces and correct position wso = whitespaceoffset res = [(' ' * wso + cmd, p + wso) for cmd, p in res] return res class CommandLineCompleter(Completer): """completes command lines: semicolon separated command strings""" def __init__(self, dbman, mode, currentbuffer=None): """ :param dbman: used to look up avaliable tagstrings :type dbman: :class:`~alot.db.DBManager` :param mode: mode identifier :type mode: str :param currentbuffer: currently active buffer. If defined, this will be used to dynamically extract possible completion strings :type currentbuffer: :class:`~alot.buffers.Buffer` """ self._commandcompleter = CommandCompleter(dbman, mode, currentbuffer) def get_context(self, line, pos): """ computes start and end position of substring of line that is the command string under given position """ commands = split_commandline(line) + [''] i = 0 start = 0 end = len(commands[i]) while pos > end: i += 1 start = end + 1 end += 1 + len(commands[i]) return start, end def complete(self, line, pos): cstart, cend = self.get_context(line, pos) before = line[:cstart] after = line[cend:] cmdstring = line[cstart:cend] cpos = pos - cstart res = [] for ccmd, ccpos in self._commandcompleter.complete(cmdstring, cpos): newtext = before + ccmd + after newpos = pos + (ccpos - cpos) res.append((newtext, newpos)) return res class PathCompleter(Completer): """completion for paths""" def complete(self, original, pos): if not original: return [('~/', 2)] prefix = os.path.expanduser(original[:pos]) def escape(path): return path.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(' ', '\ ') def deescape(escaped_path): return escaped_path.replace('\\ ', ' ').replace('\\\\', '\\') def prep(path): escaped_path = escape(path) return escaped_path, len(escaped_path) return map(prep, glob.glob(deescape(prefix) + '*'))