import re import os import glob import logging import alot.commands as commands class Completer(object): """base class for completers""" def complete(self, original, pos): """returns a list of completions and cursor positions for the string original from position pos on. :param original: the complete string to complete :type original: str :param pos: starting position to complete from :returns: pairs of completed string and cursor position in the new string :rtype: list of (str, int) """ return list() def relevant_part(self, original, pos, sep=' '): """calculates the subword in a sep-splitted list of original that pos is in""" start = original.rfind(sep, 0, pos) + 1 end = original.find(sep, pos - 1) if end == -1: end = len(original) return original[start:end], start, end, pos - start class QueryCompleter(Completer): """completion for a notmuch query string""" def __init__(self, dbman, accountman): self.dbman = dbman abooks = accountman.get_addressbooks() self._contactscompleter = ContactsCompleter(abooks, addressesonly=True) self._tagscompleter = TagsCompleter(dbman) self.keywords = ['tag', 'from', 'to', 'subject', 'attachment', 'is', 'id', 'thread', 'folder'] def complete(self, original, pos): mypart, start, end, mypos = self.relevant_part(original, pos) myprefix = mypart[:mypos] m ='(tag|is|to|from):(\w*)', myprefix) if m: cmd, params = m.groups() cmdlen = len(cmd) + 1 # length of the keyword part incld colon if cmd in ['to', 'from']: localres = self._contactscompleter.complete(mypart[cmdlen:], mypos - cmdlen) else: localres = self._tagscompleter.complete(mypart[cmdlen:], mypos - cmdlen) resultlist = [] for ltxt, lpos in localres: newtext = original[:start] + cmd + ':' + ltxt + original[end:] newpos = start + len(cmd) + 1 + lpos resultlist.append((newtext, newpos)) return resultlist else: matched = filter(lambda t: t.startswith(myprefix), self.keywords) resultlist = [] for keyword in matched: newprefix = original[:start] + keyword + ':' resultlist.append((newprefix + original[end:], len(newprefix))) return resultlist class TagsCompleter(Completer): """completion for a comma separated list of tagstrings""" def __init__(self, dbman): self.dbman = dbman def complete(self, original, pos, single_tag=True): tags = self.dbman.get_all_tags() if single_tag: prefix = original[:pos] matching = [t for t in tags if t.startswith(prefix)] return [(t, len(t)) for t in matching] else: mypart, start, end, mypos = self.relevant_part(original, pos, sep=',') prefix = mypart[:mypos] res = [] for tag in tags: if tag.startswith(prefix): newprefix = original[:start] + tag if not original[end:].startswith(','): newprefix += ',' res.append((newprefix + original[end:], len(newprefix))) return res class ContactsCompleter(Completer): """completes contacts""" def __init__(self, abooks, addressesonly=False): self.abooks = abooks self.addressesonly = addressesonly def complete(self, original, pos): if not self.abooks: return [] prefix = original[:pos] res = [] for abook in self.abooks: res = res + abook.lookup(prefix) if self.addressesonly: returnlist = [(email, len(email)) for (name, email) in res] else: returnlist = [] for name, email in res: newtext = "%s <%s>" % (name, email) returnlist.append((newtext, len(newtext))) return returnlist class AccountCompleter(Completer): """completes own mailaddresses""" def __init__(self, accountman): self.accountman = accountman def complete(self, original, pos): valids = self.accountman.get_main_addresses() prefix = original[:pos] return [(a, len(a)) for a in valids if a.startswith(prefix)] class CommandCompleter(Completer): """completes commands""" def __init__(self, dbman, mode): self.dbman = dbman self.mode = mode def complete(self, original, pos): #TODO refine should get current querystring commandprefix = original[:pos] logging.debug('original="%s" prefix="%s"' % (original, commandprefix)) cmdlist = commands.COMMANDS['global'].copy() cmdlist.update(commands.COMMANDS[self.mode]) matching = [t for t in cmdlist if t.startswith(commandprefix)] return [(t, len(t)) for t in matching] class CommandLineCompleter(Completer): """completion for commandline""" def __init__(self, dbman, accountman, mode): self.dbman = dbman self.accountman = accountman self.mode = mode self._commandcompleter = CommandCompleter(dbman, mode) self._querycompleter = QueryCompleter(dbman, accountman) self._tagscompleter = TagsCompleter(dbman) abooks = accountman.get_addressbooks() self._contactscompleter = ContactsCompleter(abooks) self._pathcompleter = PathCompleter() def complete(self, line, pos): words = line.split(' ', 1) res = [] if pos <= len(words[0]): # we complete commands for cmd, cpos in self._commandcompleter.complete(line, pos): newtext = ('%s %s' % (cmd, ' '.join(words[1:]))) res.append((newtext, cpos + 1)) else: cmd, params = words localpos = pos - (len(cmd) + 1) if cmd == 'search': res = self._querycompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif cmd == 'refine': if self.mode == 'search': res = self._querycompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif cmd == 'set' and self.mode == 'envelope': header, params = params.split(' ', 1) localpos = localpos - (len(header) + 1) if header.lower() in ['to', 'cc', 'bcc']: res = self._contactscompleter.complete(params, localpos) # prepend 'set ' + header and correct position res = [('%s %s' % (header, t), p + len(header) + 1) for (t, p) in res] logging.debug(res) elif cmd == 'retag': res = self._tagscompleter.complete(params, localpos, single_tag=False) elif cmd == 'toggletag': res = self._tagscompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif cmd == 'help': res = self._commandcompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif cmd in ['compose']: res = self._contactscompleter.complete(params, localpos) elif cmd in ['attach', 'edit', 'save']: res = self._pathcompleter.complete(params, localpos) # prepend cmd and correct position res = [('%s %s' % (cmd, t), p + len(cmd) + 1) for (t, p) in res] return res class PathCompleter(Completer): """completion for paths""" def complete(self, original, pos): if not original: return [('~/', 2)] prefix = os.path.expanduser(original[:pos]) return [(f, len(f)) for f in glob.glob(prefix + '*')]