import os import logging import tempfile from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks import shlex import re import subprocess from email.Utils import parseaddr from alot.commands import Command, registerCommand from alot.commands.globals import ExternalCommand from alot.commands.globals import FlushCommand from alot.commands.globals import ComposeCommand from alot.commands.globals import RefreshCommand from alot import settings from alot import widgets from alot import completion from alot.message import decode_header from alot.message import encode_header from alot.message import extract_headers from alot.message import extract_body from alot.message import Envelope from alot.db import DatabaseROError from alot.db import DatabaseError MODE = 'thread' def recipient_to_from(mail, my_accounts): """ construct a suitable From-Header for forwards/replies to a given mail. :param mail: the email to inspect :type mail: `email.message.Message` :param my_accounts: list of accounts from which to chose from :type my_accounts: list of `alot.account.Account` """ realname = None address = None # extract list of recipients to check for my address rec_to = filter(lambda x: x, mail.get('To', '').split(',')) rec_cc = filter(lambda x: x, mail.get('Cc', '').split(',')) delivered_to = mail.get('Delivered-To', None) recipients = rec_to + rec_cc if delivered_to is not None: recipients.append(delivered_to) # pick the most important account that has an address in recipients # and use that accounts realname and the found recipient address for acc in my_accounts: acc_addresses = acc.get_addresses() for rec in recipients: _, raddress = parseaddr(rec) raddress = raddress.decode() if raddress in acc_addresses and realname is None: realname = acc.realname address = raddress # revert to default account if nothing found if realname is None: realname = my_accounts[0].realname address = my_accounts[0].address return realname, address @registerCommand(MODE, 'reply', arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action':'store_true', 'help':'reply to all'})]) class ReplyCommand(Command): """reply to message""" def __init__(self, message=None, all=False, **kwargs): """ :param message: message to reply to (defaults to selected message) :type message: `alot.message.Message` :param all: group reply; copies recipients from Bcc/Cc/To to the reply :type all: bool """ self.message = message self.groupreply = all Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): # look if this makes sense: do we have any accounts set up? my_accounts = ui.accountman.get_accounts() if not my_accounts: ui.notify('no accounts set', priority='error') return # get message to forward if not given in constructor if not self.message: self.message = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() mail = self.message.get_email() # set body text name, address = self.message.get_author() timestamp = self.message.get_date() qf = settings.config.get_hook('reply_prefix') if qf: quotestring = qf(name, address, timestamp, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman, aman=ui.accountman, config=settings.config) else: quotestring = 'Quoting %s (%s)\n' % (name, timestamp) mailcontent = quotestring for line in self.message.accumulate_body().splitlines(): mailcontent += '>' + line + '\n' envelope = Envelope(bodytext=mailcontent) # copy subject subject = decode_header(mail.get('Subject', '')) if not subject.startswith('Re:'): subject = 'Re: ' + subject envelope.add('Subject', subject) # set From realname, address = recipient_to_from(mail, my_accounts) envelope.add('From', '%s <%s>' % (realname, address)) # set To sender = mail['Reply-To'] or mail['From'] recipients = [sender] my_addresses = ui.accountman.get_addresses() if self.groupreply: if sender != mail['From']: recipients.append(mail['From']) cleared = self.clear_my_address(my_addresses, mail.get('To', '')) recipients.append(cleared) # copy cc for group-replies if 'Cc' in mail: cc = self.clear_my_address(my_addresses, mail['Cc']) envelope.add('Cc', decode_header(cc)) to = ', '.join(recipients) logging.debug('reply to: %s' % to) envelope.add('To', decode_header(to)) # set In-Reply-To header envelope.add('In-Reply-To', '<%s>' % self.message.get_message_id()) # set References header old_references = mail.get('References', '') if old_references: old_references = old_references.split() references = old_references[-8:] if len(old_references) > 8: references = old_references[:1] + references references.append('<%s>' % self.message.get_message_id()) envelope.add('References', ' '.join(references)) else: envelope.add('References', '<%s>' % self.message.get_message_id()) # continue to compose ui.apply_command(ComposeCommand(envelope=envelope)) def clear_my_address(self, my_addresses, value): new_value = [] for entry in value.split(','): if not [a for a in my_addresses if a in entry]: new_value.append(entry.strip()) return ', '.join(new_value) @registerCommand(MODE, 'forward', arguments=[ (['--attach'], {'action':'store_true', 'help':'attach original mail'})]) class ForwardCommand(Command): """forward message""" def __init__(self, message=None, attach=True, **kwargs): """ :param message: message to forward (defaults to selected message) :type message: `alot.message.Message` :param attach: attach original mail instead of inline quoting its body :type attach: bool """ self.message = message self.inline = not attach Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): # look if this makes sense: do we have any accounts set up? my_accounts = ui.accountman.get_accounts() if not my_accounts: ui.notify('no accounts set', priority='error') return # get message to forward if not given in constructor if not self.message: self.message = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() mail = self.message.get_email() envelope = Envelope() if self.inline: # inline mode # set body text name, address = self.message.get_author() timestamp = self.message.get_date() qf = settings.config.get_hook('forward_prefix') if qf: quote = qf(name, address, timestamp, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman, aman=ui.accountman, config=settings.config) else: quote = 'Forwarded message from %s (%s):\n' % (name, timestamp) mailcontent = quote for line in self.message.accumulate_body().splitlines(): mailcontent += '>' + line + '\n' envelope.body = mailcontent else: # attach original mode # attach original msg mail.set_default_type('message/rfc822') mail['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment' envelope.attachments.append(mail) # copy subject subject = decode_header(mail.get('Subject', '')) subject = 'Fwd: ' + subject envelope.add('Subject', subject) # set From realname, address = recipient_to_from(mail, my_accounts) envelope.add('From', '%s <%s>' % (realname, address)) # continue to compose ui.apply_command(ComposeCommand(envelope=envelope)) @registerCommand(MODE, 'editnew') class EditNewCommand(Command): """edit message in as new""" def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs): """ :param message: message to reply to (defaults to selected message) :type message: `alot.message.Message` """ self.message = message Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): if not self.message: self.message = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() mail = self.message.get_email() # set body text name, address = self.message.get_author() mailcontent = self.message.accumulate_body() envelope = Envelope(bodytext=mailcontent) # copy selected headers to_copy = ['Subject', 'From', 'To', 'Cc', 'Bcc', 'In-Reply-To', 'References'] for key in to_copy: value = decode_header(mail.get(key, '')) if value: envelope.add(key, value) # copy attachments for b in self.message.get_attachments(): envelope.attach(b) ui.apply_command(ComposeCommand(envelope=envelope, omit_signature=True)) @registerCommand(MODE, 'fold', forced={'visible': False}, arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'fold all messages'})], help='fold message(s)') @registerCommand(MODE, 'unfold', forced={'visible': True}, arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'unfold all messages'})], help='unfold message(s)') @registerCommand(MODE, 'togglesource', forced={'raw': 'toggle'}, arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'affect all messages'})], help='display message source') @registerCommand(MODE, 'toggleheaders', forced={'all_headers': 'toggle'}, arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'affect all messages'})], help='display all headers') class ChangeDisplaymodeCommand(Command): """fold or unfold messages""" def __init__(self, all=False, visible=None, raw=None, all_headers=None, **kwargs): """ :param all: toggle all, not only selected message :type all: bool :param visible: unfold if `True`, fold if `False`, ignore if `None` :type visible: True, False, 'toggle' or None :param raw: display raw message text. :type raw: True, False, 'toggle' or None :param all_headers: show all headers (only visible if not in raw mode) :type all_headers: True, False, 'toggle' or None """ self.all = all self.visible = visible self.raw = raw self.all_headers = all_headers Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): lines = [] if not self.all: lines.append(ui.current_buffer.get_selection()) else: lines = ui.current_buffer.get_message_widgets() for widget in lines: msg = widget.get_message() # in case the thread is yet unread, remove this tag if self.visible or (self.visible == 'toggle' and widget.folded): if 'unread' in msg.get_tags(): msg.remove_tags(['unread']) ui.apply_command(FlushCommand()) if self.visible == 'toggle': self.visible = widget.folded if self.raw == 'toggle': self.raw = not widget.show_raw if self.all_headers == 'toggle': self.all_headers = not widget.show_all_headers logging.debug((self.visible, self.raw, self.all_headers)) if self.visible is not None: widget.folded = not self.visible if self.raw is not None: widget.show_raw = self.raw if self.all_headers is not None: widget.show_all_headers = self.all_headers widget.rebuild() @registerCommand(MODE, 'pipeto', arguments=[ (['cmd'], {'help':'shellcommand to pipe to'}), (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'pass all messages'}), (['--format'], {'help':'output format', 'default':'raw', 'choices':['raw', 'decoded', 'id', 'filepath']}), (['--separately'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'call command once for each message'}), (['--background'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'don\'t stop the interface'}), (['--add_tags'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'add \'Tags\' header to the message'}), (['--shell'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'let the shell interpret the command'}), (['--notify_stdout'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'display command\'s stdout as notification message'}), ], ) class PipeCommand(Command): """pipe message(s) to stdin of a shellcommand""" def __init__(self, cmd, all=False, separately=False, background=False, shell=False, notify_stdout=False, format='raw', add_tags=False, noop_msg='no command specified', confirm_msg='', done_msg='done', **kwargs): """ :param cmd: shellcommand to open :type cmd: str or list of str :param all: pipe all, not only selected message :type all: bool :param separately: call command once per message :type separately: bool :param background: do not suspend the interface :type background: bool :param notify_stdout: display command\'s stdout as notification message :type notify_stdout: bool :param shell: let the shell interpret the command :type shell: bool :param format: what to pipe to the processes stdin. one of: 'raw': message content as is, 'decoded': message content, decoded quoted printable, 'id': message ids, separated by newlines, 'filepath': paths to message files on disk :type format: str :param add_tags: add 'Tags' header to the message :type add_tags: bool :param noop_msg: error notification to show if `cmd` is empty :type noop_msg: str :param confirm_msg: confirmation question to ask (continues directly if unset) :type confirm_msg: str :param done_msg: notification message to show upon success :type done_msg: str """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) if isinstance(cmd, unicode): cmd = shlex.split(cmd.encode('UTF-8')) self.cmd = cmd self.whole_thread = all self.separately = separately self.background = background = shell self.notify_stdout = notify_stdout self.output_format = format self.add_tags = add_tags self.noop_msg = noop_msg self.confirm_msg = confirm_msg self.done_msg = done_msg @inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): # abort if command unset if not self.cmd: ui.notify(self.noop_msg, priority='error') return # get messages to pipe if self.whole_thread: thread = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_thread() if not thread: return to_print = thread.get_messages().keys() else: to_print = [ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message()] # ask for confirmation if needed if self.confirm_msg: if (yield ui.choice(self.confirm_msg, select='yes', cancel='no')) == 'no': return # prepare message sources pipestrings = [] separator = '\n\n' logging.debug('PIPETO format') logging.debug(self.output_format) if self.output_format == 'id': pipestrings = [e.get_message_id() for e in to_print] separator = '\n' elif self.output_format == 'filepath': pipestrings = [e.get_filename() for e in to_print] separator = '\n' else: for msg in to_print: mail = msg.get_email() if self.add_tags: mail['Tags'] = encode_header('Tags', ' '.join(msg.get_tags())) if self.output_format == 'raw': pipestrings.append(mail.as_string()) elif self.output_format == 'decoded': headertext = extract_headers(mail) bodytext = extract_body(mail) msgtext = '%s\n\n%s' % (headertext, bodytext) pipestrings.append(msgtext.encode('utf-8')) if not self.separately: pipestrings = [separator.join(pipestrings)] if self.cmd = [' '.join(self.cmd)] # do teh monkey for mail in pipestrings: if self.background: logging.debug('call in background: %s' % str(self.cmd)) proc = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate(mail) else: logging.debug('stop urwid screen') ui.mainloop.screen.stop() logging.debug('call: %s' % str(self.cmd)) proc = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate(mail) logging.debug('start urwid screen') ui.mainloop.screen.start() if err: ui.notify(err, priority='error') return if self.notify_stdout: ui.notify(out) # display 'done' message if self.done_msg: ui.notify(self.done_msg) @registerCommand(MODE, 'remove', arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'remove whole thread'})]) class RemoveCommand(Command): """remove message(s) from the index""" def __init__(self, all=False, **kwargs): """ :param all: remove all messages from thread, not just selected one :type all: bool """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.all = all @inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): # get messages and notification strings if self.all: thread = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_thread() tid = thread.get_thread_id() messages = thread.get_messages().keys() confirm_msg = 'remove all messages in thread?' ok_msg = 'removed all messages in thread: %s' % tid else: msg = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() messages = [msg] confirm_msg = 'remove selected message?' ok_msg = 'removed message: %s' % msg.get_message_id() # ask for confirmation if (yield ui.choice(confirm_msg, select='yes', cancel='no')) == 'no': return # remove messages try: for m in messages: ui.dbman.remove_message(m) except DatabaseError, e: err_msg = str(e) ui.notify(err_msg, priority='error') logging.debug(err_msg) return # notify ui.notify(ok_msg) # refresh buffer ui.apply_command(RefreshCommand()) @registerCommand(MODE, 'print', arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'print all messages'}), (['--raw'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'pass raw mail string'}), (['--separately'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'call print command once for each message'}), (['--add_tags'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'add \'Tags\' header to the message'}), ], ) class PrintCommand(PipeCommand): """print message(s)""" def __init__(self, all=False, separately=False, raw=False, add_tags=False, **kwargs): """ :param all: print all, not only selected messages :type all: bool :param separately: call print command once per message :type separately: bool :param raw: pipe raw message string to print command :type raw: bool :param add_tags: add 'Tags' header to the message :type add_tags: bool """ # get print command cmd = settings.config.get('general', 'print_cmd', fallback='') # set up notification strings if all: confirm_msg = 'print all messages in thread?' ok_msg = 'printed thread using %s' % cmd else: confirm_msg = 'print selected message?' ok_msg = 'printed message using %s' % cmd # no print cmd set noop_msg = 'no print command specified. Set "print_cmd" in the '\ 'global section.' PipeCommand.__init__(self, [cmd], all=all, separately=separately, background=True, shell=False, format='raw' if raw else 'decoded', add_tags=add_tags, noop_msg=noop_msg, confirm_msg=confirm_msg, done_msg=ok_msg, **kwargs) @registerCommand(MODE, 'save', arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'save all attachments'}), (['path'], {'nargs':'?', 'help':'path to save to'})]) class SaveAttachmentCommand(Command): """save attachment(s)""" def __init__(self, all=False, path=None, **kwargs): """ :param all: save all, not only selected attachment :type all: bool :param path: path to write to. if `all` is set, this must be a directory. :type path: str """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.all = all self.path = path @inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): pcomplete = completion.PathCompleter() if self.all: msg = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() if not self.path: self.path = yield ui.prompt(prefix='save attachments to:', text=os.path.join('~', ''), completer=pcomplete) if self.path: if os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser(self.path)): for a in msg.get_attachments(): dest = name = a.get_filename() if name: ui.notify('saved %s as: %s' % (name, dest)) else: ui.notify('saved attachment as: %s' % dest) else: ui.notify('not a directory: %s' % self.path, priority='error') else: ui.notify('canceled') else: # save focussed attachment focus = ui.get_deep_focus() if isinstance(focus, widgets.AttachmentWidget): attachment = focus.get_attachment() filename = attachment.get_filename() if not self.path: msg = 'save attachment (%s) to:' % filename initialtext = os.path.join('~', filename) self.path = yield ui.prompt(prefix=msg, completer=pcomplete, text=initialtext) if self.path: try: dest = ui.notify('saved attachment as: %s' % dest) except (IOError, OSError), e: ui.notify(str(e), priority='error') else: ui.notify('canceled') class OpenAttachmentCommand(Command): """displays an attachment according to mailcap""" def __init__(self, attachment, **kwargs): """ :param attachment: attachment to open :type attachment: :class:`~alot.message.Attachment` """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.attachment = attachment def apply(self, ui):'open attachment') mimetype = self.attachment.get_content_type() handler = settings.get_mime_handler(mimetype) if handler: path = handler = re.sub('\'?%s\'?', '{}', handler) # 'needsterminal' makes handler overtake the terminal nt = settings.get_mime_handler(mimetype, key='needsterminal') overtakes = (nt is None) def afterwards(): os.remove(path) ui.apply_command(ExternalCommand(handler, path=path, on_success=afterwards, thread=overtakes)) else: ui.notify('unknown mime type') @registerCommand(MODE, 'select') class ThreadSelectCommand(Command): """select focussed element. The fired action depends on the focus: - if message summary, this toggles visibility of the message, - if attachment line, this opens the attachment""" def apply(self, ui): focus = ui.get_deep_focus() if isinstance(focus, widgets.MessageSummaryWidget): ui.apply_command(ChangeDisplaymodeCommand(visible='toggle')) elif isinstance(focus, widgets.AttachmentWidget):'open attachment') ui.apply_command(OpenAttachmentCommand(focus.get_attachment())) else:'unknown widget %s' % focus) @registerCommand(MODE, 'tag', forced={'action': 'add'}, arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'tag all messages in thread'}), (['--no-flush'], {'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'flush', 'help': 'postpone a writeout to the index'}), (['tags'], {'help':'comma separated list of tags'})], help='add tags to message(s)', ) @registerCommand(MODE, 'retag', forced={'action': 'set'}, arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'tag all messages in thread'}), (['--no-flush'], {'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'flush', 'help': 'postpone a writeout to the index'}), (['tags'], {'help':'comma separated list of tags'})], help='set message(s) tags.', ) @registerCommand(MODE, 'untag', forced={'action': 'remove'}, arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'tag all messages in thread'}), (['--no-flush'], {'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'flush', 'help': 'postpone a writeout to the index'}), (['tags'], {'help':'comma separated list of tags'})], help='remove tags from message(s)', ) @registerCommand(MODE, 'toggletags', forced={'action': 'toggle'}, arguments=[ (['--all'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help':'tag all messages in thread'}), (['--no-flush'], {'action': 'store_false', 'dest': 'flush', 'help': 'postpone a writeout to the index'}), (['tags'], {'help':'comma separated list of tags'})], help='flip presence of tags on message(s)', ) class TagCommand(Command): """manipulate message tags""" def __init__(self, tags=u'', action='add', all=False, flush=True, **kwargs): """ :param tags: comma separated list of tagstrings to set :type tags: str :param action: adds tags if 'add', removes them if 'remove', adds tags and removes all other if 'set' or toggle individually if 'toggle' :type action: str :param all: tag all messages in thread :type all: bool :param flush: imediately write out to the index :type flush: bool """ self.tagsstring = tags self.all = all self.action = action self.flush = flush Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): all_message_widgets = ui.current_buffer.get_messagewidgets() if self.all: mwidgets = all_message_widgets else: mwidgets = [ui.current_buffer.get_selection()] messages = [mw.get_message() for mw in mwidgets] logging.debug('TAG %s' % str(messages)) def refresh_widgets(): for mw in all_message_widgets: mw.rebuild() tags = filter(lambda x: x, self.tagsstring.split(',')) try: for m in messages: if self.action == 'add': m.add_tags(tags, afterwards=refresh_widgets) if self.action == 'set': m.add_tags(tags, afterwards=refresh_widgets, remove_rest=True) elif self.action == 'remove': m.remove_tags(tags, afterwards=refresh_widgets) elif self.action == 'toggle': to_remove = [] to_add = [] for t in tags: if t in m.get_tags(): to_remove.append(t) else: to_add.append(t) m.remove_tags(to_remove) m.add_tags(to_add, afterwards=refresh_widgets) except DatabaseROError: ui.notify('index in read-only mode', priority='error') return # flush index if self.flush: ui.apply_command(FlushCommand())