import os import logging import tempfile from email import Charset from email.header import Header from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from twisted.internet import defer from alot.commands import Command, registerCommand from alot.commands.globals import ExternalCommand from alot.commands.globals import FlushCommand from alot.commands.globals import ComposeCommand from alot import settings from alot import widgets from alot import completion from alot import helper from alot.message import encode_header MODE = 'thread' @registerCommand(MODE, 'reply', {}) @registerCommand(MODE, 'groupreply', {'groupreply': True}) class ReplyCommand(Command): """format reply for currently selected message and open envelope for it""" def __init__(self, message=None, groupreply=False, **kwargs): """ :param message: the original message to reply to :type message: `alot.message.Message` :param groupreply: copy other recipients from Bcc/Cc/To to the reply :type groupreply: boolean """ self.message = message self.groupreply = groupreply Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): if not self.message: self.message = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() mail = self.message.get_email() # set body text name, address = self.message.get_author() timestamp = self.message.get_date() qf = settings.hooks.get('reply_prefix') if qf: quotestring = qf(name, address, timestamp, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman, aman=ui.accountman, log=ui.logger, config=settings.config) else: quotestring = 'Quoting %s (%s)\n' % (name, timestamp) mailcontent = quotestring for line in self.message.accumulate_body().splitlines(): mailcontent += '>' + line + '\n' Charset.add_charset('utf-8', Charset.QP, Charset.QP, 'utf-8') bodypart = MIMEText(mailcontent.encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'UTF-8') reply = MIMEMultipart() reply.attach(bodypart) # copy subject subject = mail.get('Subject', '') if not subject.startswith('Re:'): subject = 'Re: ' + subject reply['Subject'] = Header(subject.encode('utf-8'), 'UTF-8').encode() # set From my_addresses = ui.accountman.get_addresses() matched_address = '' in_to = [a for a in my_addresses if a in mail.get('To', '')] if in_to: matched_address = in_to[0] else: cc = mail.get('Cc', '') + mail.get('Bcc', '') in_cc = [a for a in my_addresses if a in cc] if in_cc: matched_address = in_cc[0] if matched_address: account = ui.accountman.get_account_by_address(matched_address) fromstring = '%s <%s>' % (account.realname, account.address) reply['From'] = encode_header('From', fromstring) # set To del(reply['To']) if self.groupreply: cleared = self.clear_my_address(my_addresses, mail.get('To', '')) if cleared:['From'] + ', ' + cleared) to = mail['From'] + ', ' + cleared reply['To'] = encode_header('To', to)['To']) else: reply['To'] = encode_header('To', mail['From']) # copy cc and bcc for group-replies if 'Cc' in mail: cc = self.clear_my_address(my_addresses, mail['Cc']) reply['Cc'] = encode_header('Cc', cc) if 'Bcc' in mail: bcc = self.clear_my_address(my_addresses, mail['Bcc']) reply['Bcc'] = encode_header('Bcc', bcc) else: reply['To'] = encode_header('To', mail['From']) # set In-Reply-To header del(reply['In-Reply-To']) reply['In-Reply-To'] = '<%s>' % self.message.get_message_id() # set References header old_references = mail.get('References', '') if old_references: old_references = old_references.split() references = old_references[-8:] if len(old_references) > 8: references = old_references[:1] + references references.append('<%s>' % self.message.get_message_id()) reply['References'] = ' '.join(references) else: reply['References'] = '<%s>' % self.message.get_message_id() ui.apply_command(ComposeCommand(mail=reply)) def clear_my_address(self, my_addresses, value): new_value = [] for entry in value.split(','): if not [a for a in my_addresses if a in entry]: new_value.append(entry.strip()) return ', '.join(new_value) @registerCommand(MODE, 'forward', {}) class ForwardCommand(Command): def __init__(self, message=None, inline=False, **kwargs): """ :param message: the original message to forward. If None, the currently selected one is used :type message: `alot.message.Message` :param inline: Copy originals body text instead of attaching the whole mail :type inline: boolean """ self.message = message self.inline = inline Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): if not self.message: self.message = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() mail = self.message.get_email() reply = MIMEMultipart() Charset.add_charset('utf-8', Charset.QP, Charset.QP, 'utf-8') if self.inline: # inline mode # set body text name, address = self.message.get_author() timestamp = self.message.get_date() qf = settings.hooks.get('forward_prefix') if qf: quote = qf(name, address, timestamp, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman, aman=ui.accountman, log=ui.logger, config=settings.config) else: quote = 'Forwarded message from %s (%s):\n' % (name, timestamp) mailcontent = quote for line in self.message.accumulate_body().splitlines(): mailcontent += '>' + line + '\n' bodypart = MIMEText(mailcontent.encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'UTF-8') reply.attach(bodypart) else: # attach original mode # create empty text msg bodypart = MIMEText('', 'plain', 'UTF-8') reply.attach(bodypart) # attach original msg reply.attach(mail) # copy subject subject = mail.get('Subject', '') subject = 'Fwd: ' + subject reply['Subject'] = Header(subject.encode('utf-8'), 'UTF-8').encode() # set From my_addresses = ui.accountman.get_addresses() matched_address = '' in_to = [a for a in my_addresses if a in mail.get('To', '')] if in_to: matched_address = in_to[0] else: cc = mail.get('Cc', '') + mail.get('Bcc', '') in_cc = [a for a in my_addresses if a in cc] if in_cc: matched_address = in_cc[0] if matched_address: account = ui.accountman.get_account_by_address(matched_address) fromstring = '%s <%s>' % (account.realname, account.address) reply['From'] = encode_header('From', fromstring) ui.apply_command(ComposeCommand(mail=reply)) @registerCommand(MODE, 'fold', {'visible': False}) @registerCommand(MODE, 'unfold', {'visible': True}) class FoldMessagesCommand(Command): def __init__(self, all=False, visible=None, **kwargs): self.all = all self.visible = visible Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): lines = [] if not self.all: lines.append(ui.current_buffer.get_selection()) else: lines = ui.current_buffer.get_message_widgets() for widget in lines: # in case the thread is yet unread, remove this tag msg = widget.get_message() if self.visible or (self.visible == None and widget.folded): if 'unread' in msg.get_tags(): msg.remove_tags(['unread']) ui.apply_command(FlushCommand()) widget.rebuild() widget.fold(visible=True) else: widget.fold(visible=False) @registerCommand(MODE, 'toggleheaders', {}) class ToggleHeaderCommand(Command): def apply(self, ui): msgw = ui.current_buffer.get_selection() msgw.toggle_full_header() @registerCommand(MODE, 'pipeto', {}) class PipeCommand(Command): def __init__(self, command, whole_thread=False, separately=False, noop_msg='no command specified', confirm_msg='', done_msg='done', **kwargs): Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.cmd = command self.whole_thread = whole_thread self.separately = separately self.noop_msg = noop_msg self.confirm_msg = confirm_msg self.done_msg = done_msg @defer.inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): # abort if command unset if not self.cmd: ui.notify(self.noop_msg, priority='error') return # get messages to pipe if self.whole_thread: thread = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_thread() if not thread: return to_print = thread.get_messages().keys() else: to_print = [ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message()] # ask for confirmation if needed if self.confirm_msg: if (yield ui.choice(self.confirm_msg, select='yes', cancel='no')) == 'no': return # prepare message sources mailstrings = [m.get_email().as_string() for m in to_print] if not self.separately: mailstrings = ['\n\n'.join(mailstrings)] # do teh monkey for mail in mailstrings: out, err = helper.pipe_to_command(self.cmd, mail) if err: ui.notify(err, priority='error') return # display 'done' message if self.done_msg: ui.notify(self.done_msg) @registerCommand(MODE, 'print', {}) class PrintCommand(PipeCommand): def __init__(self, whole_thread=False, separately=False, **kwargs): # get print command cmd = settings.config.get('general', 'print_cmd', fallback='') # set up notification strings if whole_thread: confirm_msg = 'print all messages in thread?' ok_msg = 'printed thread using %s' % cmd else: confirm_msg = 'print selected message?' ok_msg = 'printed message using %s' % cmd # no print cmd set noop_msg = 'no print command specified. Set "print_cmd" in the '\ 'global section.' PipeCommand.__init__(self, cmd, whole_thread=whole_thread, separately=separately, noop_msg=noop_msg, confirm_msg=confirm_msg, done_msg=ok_msg, **kwargs) @registerCommand(MODE, 'save', {}) class SaveAttachmentCommand(Command): def __init__(self, all=False, path=None, **kwargs): Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.all = all self.path = path @defer.inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): pcomplete = completion.PathCompleter() if self.all: msg = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_message() if not self.path: self.path = yield ui.prompt(prefix='save attachments to:', text=os.path.join('~', ''), completer=pcomplete) if self.path: if os.path.isdir(os.path.expanduser(self.path)): for a in msg.get_attachments(): dest = name = a.get_filename() if name: ui.notify('saved %s as: %s' % (name, dest)) else: ui.notify('saved attachment as: %s' % dest) else: ui.notify('not a directory: %s' % self.path, priority='error') else: ui.notify('canceled') else: # save focussed attachment focus = ui.get_deep_focus() if isinstance(focus, widgets.AttachmentWidget): attachment = focus.get_attachment() filename = attachment.get_filename() if not self.path: msg = 'save attachment (%s) to:' % filename initialtext = os.path.join('~', filename) self.path = yield ui.prompt(prefix=msg, completer=pcomplete, text=initialtext) if self.path: try: dest = ui.notify('saved attachment as: %s' % dest) except (IOError, OSError), e: ui.notify(str(e), priority='error') else: ui.notify('canceled') class OpenAttachmentCommand(Command): """displays an attachment according to mailcap""" def __init__(self, attachment, **kwargs): Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.attachment = attachment def apply(self, ui):'open attachment') mimetype = self.attachment.get_content_type() handler = settings.get_mime_handler(mimetype) if handler: path = handler = handler.replace('%s', '{}') def afterwards(): os.remove(path) ui.apply_command(ExternalCommand(handler, path=path, on_success=afterwards, in_thread=True)) else: ui.notify('unknown mime type') @registerCommand(MODE, 'select', {}) class ThreadSelectCommand(Command): def apply(self, ui): focus = ui.get_deep_focus() if isinstance(focus, widgets.MessageSummaryWidget): ui.apply_command(FoldMessagesCommand()) elif isinstance(focus, widgets.AttachmentWidget):'open attachment') ui.apply_command(OpenAttachmentCommand(focus.get_attachment())) else:'unknown widget %s' % focus)