from alot.commands import Command, registerCommand from twisted.internet import defer import argparse from alot.db import DatabaseROError from alot import commands from alot import buffers MODE = 'search' @registerCommand(MODE, 'select', help='open a new thread buffer') class OpenThreadCommand(Command): def __init__(self, thread=None, **kwargs): self.thread = thread Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): if not self.thread: self.thread = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_thread() if self.thread: query = ui.current_buffer.querystring'open thread view for %s' % self.thread) sb = buffers.ThreadBuffer(ui, self.thread) ui.buffer_open(sb) sb.unfold_matching(query) @registerCommand(MODE, 'toggletag', arguments=[ (['tag'], {'nargs':'+', 'default':'', 'help':'tag to flip'})], help='toggles tags in selected thread') class ToggleThreadTagCommand(Command): def __init__(self, tag, thread=None, **kwargs): assert tag self.thread = thread self.tags = set(tag) Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): if not self.thread: self.thread = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_thread() if not self.thread: return try: self.thread.set_tags(set(self.thread.get_tags()) ^ self.tags) except DatabaseROError: ui.notify('index in read-only mode', priority='error') return # flush index ui.apply_command(commands.globals.FlushCommand()) # update current buffer # TODO: what if changes not yet flushed? cb = ui.current_buffer if isinstance(cb, buffers.SearchBuffer): # refresh selected threadline threadwidget = cb.get_selected_threadline() threadwidget.rebuild() # rebuild and redraw the line #remove line from searchlist if thread doesn't match the query qs = "(%s) AND thread:%s" % (cb.querystring, self.thread.get_thread_id()) if ui.dbman.count_messages(qs) == 0: ui.logger.debug('remove: %s' % self.thread) cb.threadlist.remove(threadwidget) cb.result_count -= self.thread.get_total_messages() ui.update() elif isinstance(cb, buffers.ThreadBuffer): pass @registerCommand(MODE, 'refine', usage='refine query', arguments=[ (['query'], {'nargs':argparse.REMAINDER, 'help':'search string'})], help='refine the query of the currently open searchbuffer') class RefineCommand(Command): def __init__(self, query=None, **kwargs): self.querystring = ' '.join(query) Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) @defer.inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): if self.querystring: if self.querystring == '*': s = 'really search for all threads? This takes a while..' if (yield ui.choice(s, select='yes', cancel='no')) == 'no': return sbuffer = ui.current_buffer oldquery = sbuffer.querystring if self.querystring not in [None, oldquery]: sbuffer.querystring = self.querystring sbuffer = ui.current_buffer sbuffer.rebuild() ui.update() else: ui.notify('empty query string') @registerCommand(MODE, 'refineprompt', help='prompt to change current search buffers query') class RefinePromptCommand(Command): def apply(self, ui): sbuffer = ui.current_buffer oldquery = sbuffer.querystring ui.commandprompt('refine ' + oldquery) @registerCommand(MODE, 'retagprompt', help='prompt to retag selected threads\' tags') class RetagPromptCommand(Command): def apply(self, ui): thread = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_thread() if not thread: return tags = [] for tag in thread.get_tags(): if ' ' in tag: tags.append('"%s"' % tag) else: tags.append(tag) initial_tagstring = ','.join(tags) ui.commandprompt('retag ' + initial_tagstring) @registerCommand(MODE, 'retag', arguments=[ (['tags'], {'help':'comma separated list of tags'})], help='overwrite selected thread\'s tags') class RetagCommand(Command): def __init__(self, tags=u'', thread=None, **kwargs): self.tagsstring = tags self.thread = thread Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): if not self.thread: self.thread = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_thread() if not self.thread: return tags = filter(lambda x: x, self.tagsstring.split(','))"got %s:%s" % (self.tagsstring, tags)) try: self.thread.set_tags(tags) except DatabaseROError: ui.notify('index in read-only mode', priority='error') return # flush index ui.apply_command(commands.globals.FlushCommand()) # refresh selected threadline sbuffer = ui.current_buffer threadwidget = sbuffer.get_selected_threadline() # rebuild and redraw the line threadwidget.rebuild()