# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # Copyright © 2018 Dylan Baker # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file import argparse import logging from . import Command, registerCommand from .globals import PromptCommand from .globals import MoveCommand from .common import RetagPromptCommand from .. import commands from .. import buffers from ..db.errors import DatabaseROError from ..db.sort import NAME as SORT_NAME MODE = 'search' @registerCommand(MODE, 'select') class OpenThreadCommand(Command): """open thread in a new buffer""" def apply(self, ui): thread = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_thread() if thread: query = ui.current_buffer.querystring logging.info('open thread view for %s', thread) tb = buffers.ThreadBuffer(ui, thread) ui.buffer_open(tb) tb.focus_next_matching(query) @registerCommand(MODE, 'refine', help='refine query', arguments=[ (['--sort'], {'help': 'sort order', 'choices': list(SORT_NAME.keys())}), (['query'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'search string'})]) @registerCommand(MODE, 'sort', help='set sort order', arguments=[ (['sort'], {'help': 'sort order', 'choices': [ 'oldest_first', 'newest_first', 'message_id', 'unsorted']}), ]) class RefineCommand(Command): """refine the querystring of this buffer""" def __init__(self, query=None, sort=None, **kwargs): """ :param query: new querystring given as list of strings as returned by argparse :type query: list of str """ if query is None: self.querystring = None else: self.querystring = ' '.join(query) self.sort_order = SORT_NAME[sort] super().__init__(**kwargs) def apply(self, ui): if self.querystring or self.sort_order: sbuffer = ui.current_buffer oldquery = sbuffer.querystring if self.querystring not in [None, oldquery]: sbuffer.querystring = self.querystring sbuffer = ui.current_buffer if self.sort_order: sbuffer.sort_order = self.sort_order sbuffer.rebuild() ui.update() else: ui.notify('empty query string') @registerCommand(MODE, 'refineprompt') class RefinePromptCommand(Command): """prompt to change this buffers querystring""" repeatable = True async def apply(self, ui): sbuffer = ui.current_buffer oldquery = sbuffer.querystring return await ui.apply_command(PromptCommand('refine ' + oldquery)) RetagPromptCommand = registerCommand(MODE, 'retagprompt')(RetagPromptCommand) _tag_help_common = 'By default, this command applies only to the currently ' \ 'focused thread, and furthermore only to those messages in the thread ' \ 'that match the search query. This behaviour may be changed by the --all ' \ 'and --thread options.' _tag_opt_all = (['--all'], {'action' : 'store_true', 'dest' : 'all_threads', 'default' : False, 'help' : 'apply to all threads rather than only the focused one'}) _tag_opt_thread = (['--thread'], {'action' : 'store_true', 'dest' : 'thread', 'default' : False, 'help' : 'apply to all messages in the thread rather than only those' 'matching the query'}) _tag_opt_tags = (['tags'], {'help': 'comma separated list of tags'}) @registerCommand( MODE, 'tag', forced={'action': 'add'}, arguments = [ _tag_opt_all, _tag_opt_thread, _tag_opt_tags ], help = 'Add tags to messages. ' + _tag_help_common, ) @registerCommand( MODE, 'retag', forced={'action': 'set'}, arguments = [ _tag_opt_all, _tag_opt_thread, _tag_opt_tags ], help = 'Set tags to messages. ' + _tag_help_common, ) @registerCommand( MODE, 'untag', forced={'action': 'remove'}, arguments = [ _tag_opt_all, _tag_opt_thread, _tag_opt_tags ], help = 'Remove tags from messages. ' + _tag_help_common, ) @registerCommand( MODE, 'toggletags', forced={'action': 'toggle'}, arguments = [ _tag_opt_tags ], help='flip presence of tags on the selected thread: a tag is considered present ' 'and will be removed if at least one message in this thread is ' 'tagged with it') class TagCommand(Command): """manipulate message tags""" repeatable = True _tags = None _action = None _all_threads = None _thread = None def __init__(self, tags = '', action = 'add', all_threads = False, thread = False, **kwargs): """ :param tags: comma separated list of tagstrings to set :type tags: str :param action: adds tags if 'add', removes them if 'remove', adds tags and removes all other if 'set' or toggle individually if 'toggle' :type action: str """ self._tags = frozenset(filter(None, tags.split(','))) self._action = action self._all_threads = all_threads self._thread = thread super().__init__(**kwargs) async def apply(self, ui): searchbuffer = ui.current_buffer threadline_widget = searchbuffer.get_selected_threadline() # pass if the current buffer has no selected threadline # (displays an empty search result) if threadline_widget is None: return if self._all_threads: if self._thread: ui.notify('--all with --thread is not supported yet', priority = 'error') return testquery = searchbuffer.querystring else: thread = threadline_widget.get_thread() testquery = 'thread:' + thread.id if not self._thread: testquery += ' and (%s)' % searchbuffer.querystring try: if self._action == 'add': await ui.dbman.tags_add(testquery, self._tags) if self._action == 'set': await ui.dbman.tags_set(testquery, self._tags) elif self._action == 'remove': await ui.dbman.tags_remove(testquery, self._tags) elif self._action == 'toggle': if not self._all_threads: to_remove = set() to_add = set() for t in self._tags: if t in thread.get_tags(): to_remove.add(t) else: to_add.add(t) await thread.tags_remove(to_remove) await thread.tags_add(to_add) except DatabaseROError: ui.notify('index in read-only mode', priority='error') return # update total result count if not self._all_threads: threadline_widget.rebuild() searchbuffer.result_count = searchbuffer.dbman.count_messages( searchbuffer.querystring) else: searchbuffer.rebuild() ui.update() @registerCommand( MODE, 'move', help='move focus in search buffer', arguments=[(['movement'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'last'})]) class MoveFocusCommand(MoveCommand): def apply(self, ui): logging.debug(self.movement) if self.movement == 'last': ui.current_buffer.focus_last() ui.update() else: MoveCommand.apply(self, ui)