import os import code import threading import subprocess import shlex import email from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart import urwid from twisted.internet import defer from alot.commands import Command, registerCommand from alot import buffers from alot import settings from alot import widgets from alot import helper from alot.db import DatabaseLockedError from alot.completion import ContactsCompleter from alot.completion import AccountCompleter from alot.message import encode_header from alot import commands MODE = 'global' @registerCommand(MODE, 'exit') class ExitCommand(Command): """shuts the MUA down cleanly""" @defer.inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): if settings.config.getboolean('general', 'bug_on_exit'): if (yield ui.choice('realy quit?', select='yes', cancel='no', msg_position='left')) == 'no': return ui.exit() @registerCommand(MODE, 'search', arguments=[ (['query'], {'nargs':'*', 'default':'', 'help':'search string'})] ) class SearchCommand(Command): """open a new search buffer""" def __init__(self, query, **kwargs): """ :param query: initial querystring """ self.query = ' '.join(query) Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) @defer.inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): if self.query: if self.query == '*' and ui.current_buffer: s = 'really search for all threads? This takes a while..' if (yield ui.choice(s, select='yes', cancel='no')) == 'no': return open_searches = ui.get_buffers_of_type(buffers.SearchBuffer) to_be_focused = None for sb in open_searches: if sb.querystring == self.query: to_be_focused = sb if to_be_focused: ui.buffer_focus(to_be_focused) else: ui.buffer_open(buffers.SearchBuffer(ui, self.query)) else: ui.notify('empty query string') @registerCommand(MODE, 'prompt', arguments=[ (['startwith'], {'nargs':'?', 'default':'', 'help':'initial content of commandprompt'})] ) class PromptCommand(Command): """starts commandprompt""" def __init__(self, startwith='', **kwargs): self.startwith = startwith Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): ui.commandprompt(self.startwith) @registerCommand(MODE, 'refresh') class RefreshCommand(Command): """refreshes the current buffer""" def apply(self, ui): ui.current_buffer.rebuild() ui.update() @registerCommand(MODE, 'shellescape', arguments=[ (['cmdline'], {'help':'command line to execute'})] ) class ExternalCommand(Command): """calls external command""" def __init__(self, commandstring, path=None, spawn=False, refocus=True, in_thread=False, on_success=None, **kwargs): """ :param commandstring: the command to call :type commandstring: str :param path: a path to a file (or None) :type path: str :param spawn: run command in a new terminal :type spawn: boolean :param in_thread: run asynchronously, don't block alot :type in_thread: boolean :param refocus: refocus calling buffer after cmd termination :type refocus: boolean :param on_success: code to execute after command successfully exited :type on_success: callable """ self.commandstring = commandstring self.path = path self.spawn = spawn self.refocus = refocus self.in_thread = in_thread self.on_success = on_success Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): callerbuffer = ui.current_buffer def afterwards(data): if callable(self.on_success) and data == 'success': self.on_success() if self.refocus and callerbuffer in ui.buffers:'refocussing') ui.buffer_focus(callerbuffer) write_fd = ui.mainloop.watch_pipe(afterwards) def thread_code(*args): if self.path: if '{}' in self.commandstring: cmd = self.commandstring.replace('{}', helper.shell_quote(self.path)) else: cmd = '%s %s' % (self.commandstring, helper.shell_quote(self.path)) else: cmd = self.commandstring if self.spawn: cmd = '%s %s' % (settings.config.get('general', 'terminal_cmd'), cmd) cmd = cmd.encode('utf-8', errors='ignore')'calling external command: %s' % cmd) returncode = if returncode == 0: os.write(write_fd, 'success') if self.in_thread: thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_code) thread.start() else: ui.mainloop.screen.stop() thread_code() ui.mainloop.screen.start() @registerCommand(MODE, 'edit') class EditCommand(ExternalCommand): def __init__(self, path, spawn=None, **kwargs): self.path = path if spawn != None: self.spawn = spawn else: self.spawn = settings.config.getboolean('general', 'spawn_editor') editor_cmd = settings.config.get('general', 'editor_cmd') ExternalCommand.__init__(self, editor_cmd, path=self.path, spawn=self.spawn, in_thread=self.spawn, **kwargs) @registerCommand(MODE, 'pyshell') class PythonShellCommand(Command): """opens an interactive shell for introspection""" def apply(self, ui): ui.mainloop.screen.stop() code.interact(local=locals()) ui.mainloop.screen.start() @registerCommand(MODE, 'bclose') @registerCommand('bufferlist', 'closefocussed', {'focussed': True}) class BufferCloseCommand(Command): """close a buffer""" def __init__(self, buffer=None, focussed=False, **kwargs): """ :param buffer: the selected buffer :type buffer: `alot.buffers.Buffer` """ self.buffer = buffer self.focussed = focussed Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): if self.focussed: #if in bufferlist, this is ugly. self.buffer = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_buffer() elif not self.buffer: self.buffer = ui.current_buffer ui.buffer_close(self.buffer) ui.buffer_focus(ui.current_buffer) @registerCommand(MODE, 'bprevious', forced={'offset': -1}) @registerCommand(MODE, 'bnext', forced={'offset': +1}) @registerCommand('bufferlist', 'openfocussed') # todo separate class BufferFocusCommand(Command): """focus a buffer""" def __init__(self, buffer=None, offset=0, **kwargs): """ :param buffer: the buffer to focus :type buffer: `alot.buffers.Buffer` """ self.buffer = buffer self.offset = offset Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): if self.offset: idx = ui.buffers.index(ui.current_buffer) num = len(ui.buffers) self.buffer = ui.buffers[(idx + self.offset) % num] else: if not self.buffer: self.buffer = ui.current_buffer.get_selected_buffer() ui.buffer_focus(self.buffer) @registerCommand(MODE, 'bufferlist') class OpenBufferlistCommand(Command): """open a bufferlist buffer""" def __init__(self, filtfun=None, **kwargs): self.filtfun = filtfun Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): blists = ui.get_buffers_of_type(buffers.BufferlistBuffer) if blists: ui.buffer_focus(blists[0]) else: ui.buffer_open(buffers.BufferlistBuffer(ui, self.filtfun)) @registerCommand(MODE, 'taglist') class TagListCommand(Command): """open a taglisat buffer""" def __init__(self, filtfun=None, **kwargs): self.filtfun = filtfun Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): tags = ui.dbman.get_all_tags() buf = buffers.TagListBuffer(ui, tags, self.filtfun) ui.buffers.append(buf) buf.rebuild() ui.buffer_focus(buf) @registerCommand(MODE, 'flush') class FlushCommand(Command): """Flushes writes to the index. Retries until committed""" def apply(self, ui): try: ui.dbman.flush() except DatabaseLockedError: timeout = settings.config.getint('general', 'flush_retry_timeout') def f(*args): self.apply(ui) ui.mainloop.set_alarm_in(timeout, f) ui.notify('index locked, will try again in %d secs' % timeout) ui.update() return @registerCommand(MODE, 'help', arguments=[ (['commandname'], {'help':'command'})] ) class HelpCommand(Command): def __init__(self, commandname='', **kwargs): Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.commandname = commandname def apply(self, ui): ui.logger.debug('HELP') if self.commandname: ui.logger.debug('HELP %s' % self.commandname) parser = commands.lookup_parser(self.commandname, ui.mode) if parser: ui.notify(parser.format_help()) else: ui.notify('command %s not known in mode %s' % (self.commandname, ui.mode)) return else: # get mappings modemaps = dict(settings.config.items('%s-maps' % ui.mode)) globalmaps = dict(settings.config.items('global-maps')) # build table maxkeylength = len(max((modemaps).keys() + globalmaps.keys(), key=len)) keycolumnwidth = maxkeylength + 2 linewidgets = [] # mode specific maps linewidgets.append(urwid.Text(('helptexth1', '\n%s-mode specific maps' % ui.mode))) for (k, v) in modemaps.items(): line = urwid.Columns([('fixed', keycolumnwidth, urwid.Text(k)), urwid.Text(v)]) linewidgets.append(line) # global maps linewidgets.append(urwid.Text(('helptexth1', '\nglobal maps'))) for (k, v) in globalmaps.items(): if k not in modemaps: line = urwid.Columns( [('fixed', keycolumnwidth, urwid.Text(k)), urwid.Text(v)]) linewidgets.append(line) body = urwid.ListBox(linewidgets) ckey = 'cancel' titletext = 'Bindings Help (%s cancels)' % ckey box = widgets.DialogBox(body, titletext, bodyattr='helptext', titleattr='helptitle') # put promptwidget as overlay on main widget overlay = urwid.Overlay(box, ui.mainframe, 'center', ('relative', 70), 'middle', ('relative', 70)) ui.show_as_root_until_keypress(overlay, 'cancel') @registerCommand(MODE, 'compose', arguments=[ (['--sender'], {'nargs': '?', 'help':'sender'}), (['--subject'], {'nargs':'?', 'help':'subject line'}), (['--to'], {'nargs':'+', 'help':'recipient'}), (['--cc'], {'nargs':'+', 'help':'copy to'}), (['--bcc'], {'nargs':'+', 'help':'blind copy to'}), ] ) class ComposeCommand(Command): """compose a new email and open an envelope for it""" def __init__(self, mail=None, headers={}, sender=u'', subject=u'', to=[], cc=[], bcc=[], **kwargs): Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) if not mail: self.mail = MIMEMultipart() self.mail.attach(MIMEText('', 'plain', 'UTF-8')) else: self.mail = mail for key, value in headers.items(): self.mail[key] = encode_header(key, value) if sender: self.mail['From'] = encode_header('From', sender) if subject: self.mail['Subject'] = encode_header('Subject', subject) if to: self.mail['To'] = encode_header('To', ','.join(to)) if cc: self.mail['Cc'] = encode_header('Cc', ','.join(cc)) if bcc: self.mail['Bcc'] = encode_header('Bcc', ','.join(bcc)) @defer.inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): # TODO: fill with default header (per account) # get From header if not 'From' in self.mail: accounts = ui.accountman.get_accounts() if len(accounts) == 0: ui.notify('no accounts set') return elif len(accounts) == 1: a = accounts[0] else: cmpl = AccountCompleter(ui.accountman) fromaddress = yield ui.prompt(prefix='From>', completer=cmpl, tab=1) validaddresses = [a.address for a in accounts] + [None] while fromaddress not in validaddresses: # TODO: not cool ui.notify('no account for this address. ( cancels)') fromaddress = yield ui.prompt(prefix='From>', completer=cmpl) if not fromaddress: ui.notify('canceled') return a = ui.accountman.get_account_by_address(fromaddress) self.mail['From'] = "%s <%s>" % (a.realname, a.address) #get To header if 'To' not in self.mail: name, addr = email.Utils.parseaddr(unicode(self.mail.get('From'))) a = ui.accountman.get_account_by_address(addr) allbooks = not settings.config.getboolean('general', 'complete_matching_abook_only') ui.logger.debug(allbooks) abooks = ui.accountman.get_addressbooks(order=[a], append_remaining=allbooks) ui.logger.debug(abooks) to = yield ui.prompt(prefix='To>', completer=ContactsCompleter(abooks)) if to == None: ui.notify('canceled') return self.mail['To'] = encode_header('to', to) if settings.config.getboolean('general', 'ask_subject') and \ not 'Subject' in self.mail: subject = yield ui.prompt(prefix='Subject>') if subject == None: ui.notify('canceled') return self.mail['Subject'] = encode_header('subject', subject) ui.apply_command(commands.envelope.EnvelopeEditCommand(mail=self.mail)) @registerCommand(MODE, 'move', arguments=[ (['key'], {'nargs':'+', 'help':'keypress to send'})] ) @registerCommand(MODE, 'cancel', {'key': 'cancel'}) @registerCommand(MODE, 'select', {'key': 'select'}) class SendKeypressCommand(Command): def __init__(self, key, **kwargs): Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) if isinstance(key, list): key = ' '.join(key) self.key = key def apply(self, ui): ui.keypress(self.key) class EnvelopeOpenCommand(Command): """open a new envelope buffer""" def __init__(self, mail=None, **kwargs): self.mail = mail Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): ui.buffer_open(buffers.EnvelopeBuffer(ui, mail=self.mail))