import os import re import glob import logging import email import tempfile from email import Charset from twisted.internet import defer from alot.commands import Command, registerCommand from alot import settings from alot import helper from alot.message import decode_to_unicode from alot.message import decode_header from alot.message import encode_header from alot.commands.globals import EditCommand from alot.commands.globals import BufferCloseCommand from alot.commands.globals import EnvelopeOpenCommand MODE = 'envelope' @registerCommand(MODE, 'attach', arguments=[ (['path'], {'help':'file(s) to attach'})] ) class EnvelopeAttachCommand(Command): def __init__(self, path=None, mail=None, **kwargs): Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.mail = mail self.path = path def apply(self, ui): msg = self.mail if not msg: msg = ui.current_buffer.get_email() if self.path: files = filter(os.path.isfile, glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(self.path))) if not files: ui.notify('no matches, abort') return else: ui.notify('no files specified, abort')"attaching: %s" % files) for path in files: helper.attach(path, msg) if not self.mail: # set the envelope msg iff we got it from there ui.current_buffer.set_email(msg) @registerCommand(MODE, 'refine', {}) class EnvelopeRefineCommand(Command): """prompt to change current value of header field""" def __init__(self, key='', **kwargs): Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.key = key def apply(self, ui): mail = ui.current_buffer.get_email() value = decode_header(mail.get(self.key, '')) ui.commandprompt('set %s %s' % (self.key, value)) @registerCommand(MODE, 'send', {}) class EnvelopeSendCommand(Command): @defer.inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer mail = envelope.get_email() frm = decode_header(mail.get('From')) sname, saddr = email.Utils.parseaddr(frm) account = ui.accountman.get_account_by_address(saddr) if account: # attach signature file if present if account.signature: sig = os.path.expanduser(account.signature) if os.path.isfile(sig): if account.signature_filename: name = account.signature_filename else: name = None helper.attach(sig, mail, filename=name) else: ui.notify('could not locate signature: %s' % sig, priority='error') if (yield ui.choice('send without signature', select='yes', cancel='no')) == 'no': return clearme = ui.notify('sending..', timeout=-1, block=False) reason = account.send_mail(mail) ui.clear_notify([clearme]) if not reason: # sucessfully send mail cmd = BufferCloseCommand(buffer=envelope) ui.apply_command(cmd) ui.notify('mail send successful') else: ui.notify('failed to send: %s' % reason, priority='error') else: ui.notify('failed to send: no account set up for %s' % saddr, priority='error') @registerCommand(MODE, 'reedit', {}) class EnvelopeEditCommand(Command): """re-edits mail in from envelope buffer""" def __init__(self, mail=None, **kwargs): self.mail = mail self.openNew = (mail != None) Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): Charset.add_charset('utf-8', Charset.QP, Charset.QP, 'utf-8') if not self.mail: self.mail = ui.current_buffer.get_email() def openEnvelopeFromTmpfile(): # This parses the input from the tempfile. # we do this ourselves here because we want to be able to # just type utf-8 encoded stuff into the tempfile and let alot # worry about encodings. # get input f = open( enc = settings.config.get('general', 'editor_writes_encoding') editor_input = headertext, bodytext = editor_input.split('\n\n', 1) # call post-edit translate hook translate = settings.hooks.get('post_edit_translate') if translate: bodytext = translate(bodytext, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman, aman=ui.accountman, log=ui.logger, config=settings.config) # go through multiline, utf-8 encoded headers key = value = None for line in headertext.splitlines(): if re.match('\w+:', line): # new k/v pair if key and value: # save old one from stack del self.mail[key] # ensure unique values in mails self.mail[key] = encode_header(key, value) # save key, value = line.strip().split(':', 1) # parse new pair elif key and value: # append new line without key prefix value += line if key and value: # save last one if present del self.mail[key] self.mail[key] = encode_header(key, value) if self.mail.is_multipart(): for part in self.mail.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'text': if 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' in part: del(part['Content-Transfer-Encoding']) part.set_payload(bodytext, 'utf-8') break f.close() os.unlink( if self.openNew: ui.apply_command(EnvelopeOpenCommand(mail=self.mail)) else: ui.current_buffer.set_email(self.mail) # decode header edit_headers = ['Subject', 'To', 'From'] headertext = u'' for key in edit_headers: value = u'' if key in self.mail: value = decode_header(self.mail.get(key, '')) headertext += '%s: %s\n' % (key, value) if self.mail.is_multipart(): for part in self.mail.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'text': bodytext = decode_to_unicode(part) break else: bodytext = decode_to_unicode(self.mail) # call pre-edit translate hook translate = settings.hooks.get('pre_edit_translate') if translate: bodytext = translate(bodytext, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman, aman=ui.accountman, log=ui.logger, config=settings.config) #write stuff to tempfile tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) content = '%s\n\n%s' % (headertext, bodytext) tf.write(content.encode('utf-8')) tf.flush() tf.close() cmd = EditCommand(, on_success=openEnvelopeFromTmpfile, refocus=False) ui.apply_command(cmd) @registerCommand(MODE, 'set', {}) class EnvelopeSetCommand(Command): """sets header fields of mail open in envelope buffer""" def __init__(self, key='', value=u'', replace=True, **kwargs): self.key = key self.value = encode_header(key, value) self.replace = replace Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer mail = envelope.get_email() if self.replace: del(mail[self.key]) mail[self.key] = self.value envelope.rebuild()