# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file from __future__ import absolute_import import argparse import datetime import email import glob import logging import os import re import tempfile from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks from . import Command, registerCommand from . import globals from .utils import set_encrypt from .. import buffers from .. import commands from .. import crypto from ..account import SendingMailFailed, StoreMailError from ..db.errors import DatabaseError from ..errors import GPGProblem from ..helper import email_as_string from ..helper import string_decode from ..settings import settings from ..utils import argparse as cargparse MODE = 'envelope' @registerCommand( MODE, 'attach', arguments=[(['path'], {'help': 'file(s) to attach (accepts wildcads)'})]) class AttachCommand(Command): """attach files to the mail""" repeatable = True def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): """ :param path: files to attach (globable string) :type path: str """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.path = path def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope files = [g for g in glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(self.path)) if os.path.isfile(g)] if not files: ui.notify('no matches, abort') return logging.info("attaching: %s", files) for path in files: envelope.attach(path) ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand(MODE, 'unattach', arguments=[ (['hint'], {'nargs': '?', 'help': 'which attached file to remove'}), ]) class UnattachCommand(Command): """remove attachments from current envelope""" repeatable = True def __init__(self, hint=None, **kwargs): """ :param hint: which attached file to remove :type hint: str """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.hint = hint def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope if self.hint is not None: for a in envelope.attachments: if self.hint in a.get_filename(): envelope.attachments.remove(a) else: envelope.attachments = [] ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand(MODE, 'refine', arguments=[ (['key'], {'help': 'header to refine'})]) class RefineCommand(Command): """prompt to change the value of a header""" def __init__(self, key='', **kwargs): """ :param key: key of the header to change :type key: str """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.key = key def apply(self, ui): value = ui.current_buffer.envelope.get(self.key, '') cmdstring = 'set %s %s' % (self.key, value) ui.apply_command(globals.PromptCommand(cmdstring)) @registerCommand(MODE, 'save') class SaveCommand(Command): """save draft""" def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope # determine account to use _, saddr = email.Utils.parseaddr(envelope.get('From')) account = settings.get_account_by_address(saddr) if account is None: if not settings.get_accounts(): ui.notify('no accounts set.', priority='error') return else: account = settings.get_accounts()[0] if account.draft_box is None: ui.notify('abort: account <%s> has no draft_box set.' % saddr, priority='error') return mail = envelope.construct_mail() # store mail locally # add Date header mail['Date'] = email.Utils.formatdate(localtime=True) path = account.store_draft_mail(email_as_string(mail)) msg = 'draft saved successfully' # add mail to index if maildir path available if path is not None: ui.notify(msg + ' to %s' % path) logging.debug('adding new mail to index') try: ui.dbman.add_message(path, account.draft_tags) ui.apply_command(globals.FlushCommand()) ui.apply_command(commands.globals.BufferCloseCommand()) except DatabaseError as e: logging.error(e.message) ui.notify('could not index message:\n%s' % e.message, priority='error', block=True) else: ui.apply_command(commands.globals.BufferCloseCommand()) @registerCommand(MODE, 'send') class SendCommand(Command): """send mail""" def __init__(self, mail=None, envelope=None, **kwargs): """ :param mail: email to send :type email: email.message.Message :param envelope: envelope to use to construct the outgoing mail. This will be ignored in case the mail parameter is set. :type envelope: alot.db.envelope.envelope """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.mail = mail self.envelope = envelope self.envelope_buffer = None @inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): if self.mail is None: if self.envelope is None: # needed to close later self.envelope_buffer = ui.current_buffer self.envelope = self.envelope_buffer.envelope # This is to warn the user before re-sending # an already sent message in case the envelope buffer # was not closed because it was the last remaining buffer. if self.envelope.sent_time: mod = self.envelope.modified_since_sent when = self.envelope.sent_time warning = 'A modified version of ' * mod warning += 'this message has been sent at %s.' % when warning += ' Do you want to resend?' if (yield ui.choice(warning, cancel='no', msg_position='left')) == 'no': return # don't do anything if another SendCommand is in the middle of # sending the message and we were triggered accidentally if self.envelope.sending: logging.debug('sending this message already!') return clearme = ui.notify(u'constructing mail (GPG, attachments)\u2026', timeout=-1) try: self.mail = self.envelope.construct_mail() self.mail['Date'] = email.Utils.formatdate(localtime=True) self.mail = email_as_string(self.mail) except GPGProblem as e: ui.clear_notify([clearme]) ui.notify(e.message, priority='error') return ui.clear_notify([clearme]) # determine account to use for sending msg = self.mail if not isinstance(msg, email.message.Message): msg = email.message_from_string(self.mail) _, saddr = email.Utils.parseaddr(msg.get('From', '')) account = settings.get_account_by_address(saddr) if account is None: if not settings.get_accounts(): ui.notify('no accounts set', priority='error') return else: account = settings.get_accounts()[0] # make sure self.mail is a string logging.debug(self.mail.__class__) if isinstance(self.mail, email.message.Message): self.mail = str(self.mail) # define callback def afterwards(_): initial_tags = [] if self.envelope is not None: self.envelope.sending = False self.envelope.sent_time = datetime.datetime.now() initial_tags = self.envelope.tags logging.debug('mail sent successfully') ui.clear_notify([clearme]) if self.envelope_buffer is not None: cmd = commands.globals.BufferCloseCommand(self.envelope_buffer) ui.apply_command(cmd) ui.notify('mail sent successfully') # store mail locally # This can raise StoreMailError path = account.store_sent_mail(self.mail) # add mail to index if maildir path available if path is not None: logging.debug('adding new mail to index') ui.dbman.add_message(path, account.sent_tags + initial_tags) ui.apply_command(globals.FlushCommand()) # define errback def send_errb(failure): if self.envelope is not None: self.envelope.sending = False ui.clear_notify([clearme]) failure.trap(SendingMailFailed) logging.error(failure.getTraceback()) errmsg = 'failed to send: %s' % failure.value ui.notify(errmsg, priority='error', block=True) def store_errb(failure): failure.trap(StoreMailError) logging.error(failure.getTraceback()) errmsg = 'could not store mail: %s' % failure.value ui.notify(errmsg, priority='error', block=True) # send out clearme = ui.notify('sending..', timeout=-1) if self.envelope is not None: self.envelope.sending = True d = account.send_mail(self.mail) d.addCallback(afterwards) d.addErrback(send_errb) d.addErrback(store_errb) @registerCommand(MODE, 'edit', arguments=[ (['--spawn'], {'action': cargparse.BooleanAction, 'default': None, 'help': 'spawn editor in new terminal'}), (['--refocus'], {'action': cargparse.BooleanAction, 'default': True, 'help': 'refocus envelope after editing'})]) class EditCommand(Command): """edit mail""" def __init__(self, envelope=None, spawn=None, refocus=True, **kwargs): """ :param envelope: email to edit :type envelope: :class:`~alot.db.envelope.Envelope` :param spawn: force spawning of editor in a new terminal :type spawn: bool :param refocus: m """ self.envelope = envelope self.openNew = (envelope is not None) self.force_spawn = spawn self.refocus = refocus self.edit_only_body = False Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): ebuffer = ui.current_buffer if not self.envelope: self.envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope # determine editable headers edit_headers = set(settings.get('edit_headers_whitelist')) if '*' in edit_headers: edit_headers = set(self.envelope.headers) blacklist = set(settings.get('edit_headers_blacklist')) if '*' in blacklist: blacklist = set(self.envelope.headers) edit_headers = edit_headers - blacklist logging.info('editable headers: %s', edit_headers) def openEnvelopeFromTmpfile(): # This parses the input from the tempfile. # we do this ourselves here because we want to be able to # just type utf-8 encoded stuff into the tempfile and let alot # worry about encodings. # get input # tempfile will be removed on buffer cleanup enc = settings.get('editor_writes_encoding') with open(self.envelope.tmpfile.name) as f: template = string_decode(f.read(), enc) # call post-edit translate hook translate = settings.get_hook('post_edit_translate') if translate: template = translate(template, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman) self.envelope.parse_template(template, only_body=self.edit_only_body) if self.openNew: ui.buffer_open(buffers.EnvelopeBuffer(ui, self.envelope)) else: ebuffer.envelope = self.envelope ebuffer.rebuild() # decode header headertext = u'' for key in edit_headers: vlist = self.envelope.get_all(key) if not vlist: # ensure editable headers are present in template vlist = [''] else: # remove to be edited lines from envelope del self.envelope[key] for value in vlist: # newlines (with surrounding spaces) by spaces in values value = value.strip() value = re.sub('[ \t\r\f\v]*\n[ \t\r\f\v]*', ' ', value) headertext += '%s: %s\n' % (key, value) # determine editable content bodytext = self.envelope.body if headertext: content = '%s\n%s' % (headertext, bodytext) self.edit_only_body = False else: content = bodytext self.edit_only_body = True # call pre-edit translate hook translate = settings.get_hook('pre_edit_translate') if translate: content = translate(content, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman) # write stuff to tempfile old_tmpfile = None if self.envelope.tmpfile: old_tmpfile = self.envelope.tmpfile with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, prefix='alot.', suffix='.eml') as tmpfile: tmpfile.write(content.encode('utf-8')) tmpfile.flush() self.envelope.tmpfile = tmpfile if old_tmpfile: os.unlink(old_tmpfile.name) cmd = globals.EditCommand(self.envelope.tmpfile.name, on_success=openEnvelopeFromTmpfile, spawn=self.force_spawn, thread=self.force_spawn, refocus=self.refocus) ui.apply_command(cmd) @registerCommand(MODE, 'set', arguments=[ (['--append'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'keep previous values'}), (['key'], {'help': 'header to refine'}), (['value'], {'nargs': '+', 'help': 'value'})]) class SetCommand(Command): """set header value""" def __init__(self, key, value, append=False, **kwargs): """ :param key: key of the header to change :type key: str :param value: new value :type value: str """ self.key = key self.value = ' '.join(value) self.reset = not append Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope if self.reset: if self.key in envelope: del envelope[self.key] envelope.add(self.key, self.value) ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand(MODE, 'unset', arguments=[ (['key'], {'help': 'header to refine'})]) class UnsetCommand(Command): """remove header field""" def __init__(self, key, **kwargs): """ :param key: key of the header to remove :type key: str """ self.key = key Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): del ui.current_buffer.envelope[self.key] ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand(MODE, 'toggleheaders') class ToggleHeaderCommand(Command): """toggle display of all headers""" repeatable = True def apply(self, ui): ui.current_buffer.toggle_all_headers() @registerCommand( MODE, 'sign', forced={'action': 'sign'}, arguments=[ (['keyid'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'which key id to use'})], help='mark mail to be signed before sending') @registerCommand(MODE, 'unsign', forced={'action': 'unsign'}, help='mark mail not to be signed before sending') @registerCommand( MODE, 'togglesign', forced={'action': 'toggle'}, arguments=[ (['keyid'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'which key id to use'})], help='toggle sign status') class SignCommand(Command): """toggle signing this email""" repeatable = True def __init__(self, action=None, keyid=None, **kwargs): """ :param action: whether to sign/unsign/toggle :type action: str :param keyid: which key id to use :type keyid: str """ self.action = action self.keyid = keyid Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): sign = None key = None envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope # sign status if self.action == 'sign': sign = True elif self.action == 'unsign': sign = False elif self.action == 'toggle': sign = not envelope.sign envelope.sign = sign # try to find key if hint given as parameter if sign: if len(self.keyid) > 0: keyid = str(' '.join(self.keyid)) try: key = crypto.get_key(keyid, validate=True, sign=True) except GPGProblem as e: envelope.sign = False ui.notify(e.message, priority='error') return envelope.sign_key = key else: envelope.sign_key = None # reload buffer ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand( MODE, 'encrypt', forced={'action': 'encrypt'}, arguments=[ (['--trusted'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'only add trusted keys'}), (['keyids'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'keyid of the key to encrypt with'})], help='request encryption of message before sendout') @registerCommand( MODE, 'unencrypt', forced={'action': 'unencrypt'}, help='remove request to encrypt message before sending') @registerCommand( MODE, 'toggleencrypt', forced={'action': 'toggleencrypt'}, arguments=[ (['--trusted'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'only add trusted keys'}), (['keyids'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'keyid of the key to encrypt with'})], help='toggle if message should be encrypted before sendout') @registerCommand( MODE, 'rmencrypt', forced={'action': 'rmencrypt'}, arguments=[ (['keyids'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'keyid of the key to encrypt with'})], help='do not encrypt to given recipient key') class EncryptCommand(Command): def __init__(self, action=None, keyids=None, trusted=False, **kwargs): """ :param action: wether to encrypt/unencrypt/toggleencrypt :type action: str :param keyid: the id of the key to encrypt :type keyid: str :param trusted: wether to filter keys and only use trusted ones :type trusted: bool """ self.encrypt_keys = keyids self.action = action self.trusted = trusted Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) @inlineCallbacks def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope if self.action == 'rmencrypt': try: for keyid in self.encrypt_keys: tmp_key = crypto.get_key(keyid) del envelope.encrypt_keys[crypto.hash_key(tmp_key)] except GPGProblem as e: ui.notify(e.message, priority='error') if not envelope.encrypt_keys: envelope.encrypt = False ui.current_buffer.rebuild() return elif self.action == 'encrypt': encrypt = True elif self.action == 'unencrypt': encrypt = False elif self.action == 'toggleencrypt': encrypt = not envelope.encrypt if encrypt: yield set_encrypt(ui, envelope, signed_only=self.trusted) envelope.encrypt = encrypt if not envelope.encrypt: # This is an extra conditional as it can even happen if encrypt is # True. envelope.encrypt_keys = {} # reload buffer ui.current_buffer.rebuild()