# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # Copyright © 2018 Dylan Baker # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file import argparse import datetime import email import email.policy import glob import logging import os import re import tempfile import textwrap import traceback from . import Command, registerCommand from . import globals from . import utils from .. import buffers from .. import commands from .. import crypto from ..account import SendingMailFailed, StoreMailError from ..db.errors import DatabaseError from ..errors import GPGProblem from ..settings.const import settings from ..settings.errors import NoMatchingAccount from ..utils import argparse as cargparse from ..utils.collections import OrderedSet MODE = 'envelope' @registerCommand( MODE, 'attach', arguments=[(['path'], {'help': 'file(s) to attach (accepts wildcads)'})]) class AttachCommand(Command): """attach files to the mail""" repeatable = True def __init__(self, path, **kwargs): """ :param path: files to attach (globable string) :type path: str """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.path = path def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope files = [g for g in glob.glob(os.path.expanduser(self.path)) if os.path.isfile(g)] if not files: ui.notify('no matches, abort') return logging.info("attaching: %s", files) for path in files: envelope.attach(path) ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand(MODE, 'unattach', arguments=[ (['hint'], {'nargs': '?', 'help': 'which attached file to remove'}), ]) class UnattachCommand(Command): """remove attachments from current envelope""" repeatable = True def __init__(self, hint=None, **kwargs): """ :param hint: which attached file to remove :type hint: str """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.hint = hint def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope if self.hint is not None: for a in envelope.attachments: if self.hint in a.get_filename(): envelope.attachments.remove(a) else: envelope.attachments = [] ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand(MODE, 'refine', arguments=[ (['key'], {'help': 'header to refine'})]) class RefineCommand(Command): """prompt to change the value of a header""" def __init__(self, key='', **kwargs): """ :param key: key of the header to change :type key: str """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.key = key async def apply(self, ui): value = ui.current_buffer.envelope.get(self.key, '') cmdstring = 'set %s %s' % (self.key, value) await ui.apply_command(globals.PromptCommand(cmdstring)) @registerCommand(MODE, 'save') class SaveCommand(Command): """save draft""" async def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope # determine account to use if envelope.account is None: try: envelope.account = settings.account_matching_address( envelope['From'], return_default=True) except NoMatchingAccount: ui.notify('no accounts set.', priority='error') return account = envelope.account if account.draft_box is None: msg = 'abort: Account for {} has no draft_box' ui.notify(msg.format(account.address), priority='error') return mail = envelope.construct_mail() # store mail locally path = account.store_draft_mail( mail.as_string(policy=email.policy.SMTP)) msg = 'draft saved successfully' # add mail to index if maildir path available if path is not None: ui.notify(msg + ' to %s' % path) logging.debug('adding new mail to index') try: await ui.dbman.msg_add(path, account.draft_tags | envelope.tags) await ui.apply_command(commands.globals.BufferCloseCommand()) except DatabaseError as e: logging.error(str(e)) ui.notify('could not index message:\n%s' % str(e), priority='error', block=True) else: await ui.apply_command(commands.globals.BufferCloseCommand()) @registerCommand(MODE, 'send') class SendCommand(Command): """send mail""" def __init__(self, mail=None, envelope=None, **kwargs): """ :param mail: email to send :type email: email.message.Message :param envelope: envelope to use to construct the outgoing mail. This will be ignored in case the mail parameter is set. :type envelope: alot.db.envelope.envelope """ Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.mail = mail self.envelope = envelope self.envelope_buffer = None def _get_keys_addresses(self): addresses = set() for key in self.envelope.encrypt_keys.values(): for uid in key.uids: addresses.add(uid.email) return addresses def _get_recipients_addresses(self): tos = self.envelope.headers.get('To', []) ccs = self.envelope.headers.get('Cc', []) return {a for (_, a) in email.utils.getaddresses(tos + ccs)} def _is_encrypted_to_all_recipients(self): recipients_addresses = self._get_recipients_addresses() keys_addresses = self._get_keys_addresses() return recipients_addresses.issubset(keys_addresses) async def apply(self, ui): if self.mail is None: if self.envelope is None: # needed to close later self.envelope_buffer = ui.current_buffer self.envelope = self.envelope_buffer.envelope # This is to warn the user before re-sending # an already sent message in case the envelope buffer # was not closed because it was the last remaining buffer. if self.envelope.sent_time: mod = self.envelope.modified_since_sent when = self.envelope.sent_time warning = 'A modified version of ' * mod warning += 'this message has been sent at %s.' % when warning += ' Do you want to resend?' if (await ui.choice(warning, cancel='no', msg_position='left')) == 'no': return # don't do anything if another SendCommand is in the middle of # sending the message and we were triggered accidentally if self.envelope.sending: logging.debug('sending this message already!') return # Before attempting to construct mail, ensure that we're not trying # to encrypt a message with a BCC, since any BCC recipients will # receive a message that they cannot read! if self.envelope.headers.get('Bcc') and self.envelope.encrypt: warning = textwrap.dedent("""\ Any BCC recipients will not be able to decrypt this message. Do you want to send anyway?""").replace('\n', ' ') if (await ui.choice(warning, cancel='no', msg_position='left')) == 'no': return # Check if an encrypted message is indeed encrypted to all its # recipients. if (self.envelope.encrypt and not self._is_encrypted_to_all_recipients()): warning = textwrap.dedent("""\ Message is not encrypted to all recipients. This means that not everyone will be able to decode and read this message. Do you want to send anyway?""").replace('\n', ' ') if (await ui.choice(warning, cancel='no', msg_position='left')) == 'no': return clearme = ui.notify('constructing mail (GPG, attachments)…', timeout=-1) try: self.mail = self.envelope.construct_mail() self.mail = self.mail.as_string(policy=email.policy.SMTP) except GPGProblem as e: ui.clear_notify(clearme) ui.notify(str(e), priority='error') return ui.clear_notify(clearme) # determine account to use for sending msg = self.mail if not isinstance(msg, email.message.Message): msg = email.message_from_string( self.mail, policy=email.policy.SMTP) address = msg.get('Resent-From', False) or msg.get('From', '') logging.debug("FROM: \"%s\"" % address) try: account = settings.account_matching_address(address, return_default=True) except NoMatchingAccount: ui.notify('no accounts set', priority='error') return logging.debug("ACCOUNT: \"%s\"" % account.address) # send out clearme = ui.notify('sending..', timeout=-1) if self.envelope is not None: self.envelope.sending = True try: await account.send_mail(self.mail) except SendingMailFailed as e: if self.envelope is not None: self.envelope.account = account self.envelope.sending = False ui.clear_notify(clearme) logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) errmsg = 'failed to send: {}'.format(e) ui.notify(errmsg, priority='error', block=True) except StoreMailError as e: ui.clear_notify(clearme) logging.error(traceback.format_exc()) errmsg = 'could not store mail: {}'.format(e) ui.notify(errmsg, priority='error', block=True) else: initial_tags = frozenset() if self.envelope is not None: self.envelope.sending = False self.envelope.sent_time = datetime.datetime.now() initial_tags = self.envelope.tags logging.debug('mail sent successfully') ui.clear_notify(clearme) if self.envelope_buffer is not None: cmd = commands.globals.BufferCloseCommand(self.envelope_buffer) await ui.apply_command(cmd) ui.notify('mail sent successfully') if self.envelope is not None: if self.envelope.replied: await self.envelope.replied.tags_add(account.replied_tags) if self.envelope.passed: await self.envelope.passed.tags_add(account.passed_tags) # store mail locally # This can raise StoreMailError path = account.store_sent_mail(self.mail) # add mail to index if maildir path available if path is not None: logging.debug('adding new mail to index') await ui.dbman.msg_add(path, account.sent_tags | initial_tags) @registerCommand(MODE, 'edit', arguments=[ (['--spawn'], {'action': cargparse.BooleanAction, 'default': None, 'help': 'spawn editor in new terminal'}), (['--refocus'], {'action': cargparse.BooleanAction, 'default': True, 'help': 'refocus envelope after editing'})]) class EditCommand(Command): """edit mail""" def __init__(self, envelope=None, spawn=None, refocus=True, **kwargs): """ :param envelope: email to edit :type envelope: :class:`~alot.db.envelope.Envelope` :param spawn: force spawning of editor in a new terminal :type spawn: bool :param refocus: m """ self.envelope = envelope self.openNew = (envelope is not None) self.force_spawn = spawn self.refocus = refocus self.edit_only_body = False Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) async def apply(self, ui): ebuffer = ui.current_buffer if not self.envelope: self.envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope # determine editable headers edit_headers = OrderedSet(settings.get('edit_headers_whitelist')) if '*' in edit_headers: edit_headers = OrderedSet(self.envelope.headers) blacklist = set(settings.get('edit_headers_blacklist')) if '*' in blacklist: blacklist = set(self.envelope.headers) edit_headers = edit_headers - blacklist logging.info('editable headers: %s', edit_headers) def openEnvelopeFromTmpfile(): # This parses the input from the tempfile. # we do this ourselves here because we want to be able to # just type utf-8 encoded stuff into the tempfile and let alot # worry about encodings. # get input # tempfile will be removed on buffer cleanup enc = settings.get('editor_writes_encoding') with open(self.envelope.tmpfile.name, 'rb') as f: template = f.read().decode(enc) # call post-edit translate hook translate = settings.get_hook('post_edit_translate') if translate: template = translate(template, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman) self.envelope.parse_template(template, only_body=self.edit_only_body) if self.openNew: ui.buffer_open(buffers.EnvelopeBuffer(self.envelope)) else: ebuffer.envelope = self.envelope ebuffer.rebuild() # decode header headertext = '' for key in edit_headers: vlist = self.envelope.get_all(key) if not vlist: # ensure editable headers are present in template vlist = [''] else: # remove to be edited lines from envelope del self.envelope[key] for value in vlist: # newlines (with surrounding spaces) by spaces in values value = value.strip() value = re.sub('[ \t\r\f\v]*\n[ \t\r\f\v]*', ' ', value) headertext += '%s: %s\n' % (key, value) # determine editable content bodytext = self.envelope.body if headertext: content = '%s\n%s' % (headertext, bodytext) self.edit_only_body = False else: content = bodytext self.edit_only_body = True # call pre-edit translate hook translate = settings.get_hook('pre_edit_translate') if translate: content = translate(content, ui=ui, dbm=ui.dbman) # write stuff to tempfile old_tmpfile = None if self.envelope.tmpfile: old_tmpfile = self.envelope.tmpfile with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, prefix='alot.', suffix='.eml') as tmpfile: tmpfile.write(content.encode('utf-8')) tmpfile.flush() self.envelope.tmpfile = tmpfile if old_tmpfile: os.unlink(old_tmpfile.name) cmd = globals.EditCommand(self.envelope.tmpfile.name, on_success=openEnvelopeFromTmpfile, spawn=self.force_spawn, thread=self.force_spawn, refocus=self.refocus) await ui.apply_command(cmd) @registerCommand(MODE, 'set', arguments=[ (['--append'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'keep previous values'}), (['key'], {'help': 'header to refine'}), (['value'], {'nargs': '+', 'help': 'value'})]) class SetCommand(Command): """set header value""" def __init__(self, key, value, append=False, **kwargs): """ :param key: key of the header to change :type key: str :param value: new value :type value: str """ self.key = key self.value = ' '.join(value) self.reset = not append Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) async def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope if self.reset: if self.key in envelope: del envelope[self.key] envelope.add(self.key, self.value) # FIXME: handle BCC as well # Currently we don't handle bcc because it creates a side channel leak, # as the key of the person BCC'd will be available to other recievers, # defeating the purpose of BCCing them if self.key.lower() in ['to', 'from', 'cc'] and envelope.encrypt: await utils.update_keys(ui, envelope) ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand(MODE, 'unset', arguments=[ (['key'], {'help': 'header to refine'})]) class UnsetCommand(Command): """remove header field""" def __init__(self, key, **kwargs): """ :param key: key of the header to remove :type key: str """ self.key = key Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) async def apply(self, ui): del ui.current_buffer.envelope[self.key] # FIXME: handle BCC as well # Currently we don't handle bcc because it creates a side channel leak, # as the key of the person BCC'd will be available to other recievers, # defeating the purpose of BCCing them if self.key.lower() in ['to', 'from', 'cc']: await utils.update_keys(ui, ui.current_buffer.envelope) ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand(MODE, 'toggleheaders') class ToggleHeaderCommand(Command): """toggle display of all headers""" repeatable = True def apply(self, ui): ui.current_buffer.toggle_all_headers() @registerCommand( MODE, 'sign', forced={'action': 'sign'}, arguments=[ (['keyid'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'which key id to use'})], help='mark mail to be signed before sending') @registerCommand(MODE, 'unsign', forced={'action': 'unsign'}, help='mark mail not to be signed before sending') @registerCommand( MODE, 'togglesign', forced={'action': 'toggle'}, arguments=[ (['keyid'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'which key id to use'})], help='toggle sign status') class SignCommand(Command): """toggle signing this email""" repeatable = True def __init__(self, action=None, keyid=None, **kwargs): """ :param action: whether to sign/unsign/toggle :type action: str :param keyid: which key id to use :type keyid: str """ self.action = action self.keyid = keyid Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): sign = None envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope # sign status if self.action == 'sign': sign = True elif self.action == 'unsign': sign = False elif self.action == 'toggle': sign = not envelope.sign envelope.sign = sign if sign: if self.keyid: # try to find key if hint given as parameter keyid = str(' '.join(self.keyid)) try: envelope.sign_key = crypto.get_key(keyid, validate=True, sign=True) except GPGProblem as e: envelope.sign = False ui.notify(str(e), priority='error') return else: if envelope.account is None: try: envelope.account = settings.account_matching_address( envelope['From']) except NoMatchingAccount: envelope.sign = False ui.notify('Unable to find a matching account', priority='error') return acc = envelope.account if not acc.gpg_key: envelope.sign = False msg = 'Account for {} has no gpg key' ui.notify(msg.format(acc.address), priority='error') return envelope.sign_key = acc.gpg_key else: envelope.sign_key = None # reload buffer ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand( MODE, 'encrypt', forced={'action': 'encrypt'}, arguments=[ (['--trusted'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'only add trusted keys'}), (['keyids'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'keyid of the key to encrypt with'})], help='request encryption of message before sendout') @registerCommand( MODE, 'unencrypt', forced={'action': 'unencrypt'}, help='remove request to encrypt message before sending') @registerCommand( MODE, 'toggleencrypt', forced={'action': 'toggleencrypt'}, arguments=[ (['--trusted'], {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'only add trusted keys'}), (['keyids'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'keyid of the key to encrypt with'})], help='toggle if message should be encrypted before sendout') @registerCommand( MODE, 'rmencrypt', forced={'action': 'rmencrypt'}, arguments=[ (['keyids'], {'nargs': argparse.REMAINDER, 'help': 'keyid of the key to encrypt with'})], help='do not encrypt to given recipient key') class EncryptCommand(Command): def __init__(self, action=None, keyids=None, trusted=False, **kwargs): """ :param action: wether to encrypt/unencrypt/toggleencrypt :type action: str :param keyid: the id of the key to encrypt :type keyid: str :param trusted: wether to filter keys and only use trusted ones :type trusted: bool """ self.encrypt_keys = keyids self.action = action self.trusted = trusted Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) async def apply(self, ui): envelope = ui.current_buffer.envelope if self.action == 'rmencrypt': try: for keyid in self.encrypt_keys: tmp_key = crypto.get_key(keyid) del envelope.encrypt_keys[tmp_key.fpr] except GPGProblem as e: ui.notify(str(e), priority='error') if not envelope.encrypt_keys: envelope.encrypt = False ui.current_buffer.rebuild() return elif self.action == 'encrypt': encrypt = True elif self.action == 'unencrypt': encrypt = False elif self.action == 'toggleencrypt': encrypt = not envelope.encrypt if encrypt: if self.encrypt_keys: for keyid in self.encrypt_keys: tmp_key = crypto.get_key(keyid) envelope.encrypt_keys[tmp_key.fpr] = tmp_key else: await utils.update_keys(ui, envelope, signed_only=self.trusted) envelope.encrypt = encrypt if not envelope.encrypt: # This is an extra conditional as it can even happen if encrypt is # True. envelope.encrypt_keys = {} # reload buffer ui.current_buffer.rebuild() @registerCommand( MODE, 'tag', forced={'action': 'add'}, arguments=[(['tags'], {'help': 'comma separated list of tags'})], help='add tags to message', ) @registerCommand( MODE, 'retag', forced={'action': 'set'}, arguments=[(['tags'], {'help': 'comma separated list of tags'})], help='set message tags', ) @registerCommand( MODE, 'untag', forced={'action': 'remove'}, arguments=[(['tags'], {'help': 'comma separated list of tags'})], help='remove tags from message', ) @registerCommand( MODE, 'toggletags', forced={'action': 'toggle'}, arguments=[(['tags'], {'help': 'comma separated list of tags'})], help='flip presence of tags on message', ) class TagCommand(Command): """manipulate message tags""" repeatable = True def __init__(self, tags='', action='add', **kwargs): """ :param tags: comma separated list of tagstrings to set :type tags: str :param action: adds tags if 'add', removes them if 'remove', adds tags and removes all other if 'set' or toggle individually if 'toggle' :type action: str """ assert isinstance(tags, str), 'tags should be a unicode string' self.tagsstring = tags self.action = action Command.__init__(self, **kwargs) def apply(self, ui): ebuffer = ui.current_buffer envelope = ebuffer.envelope tags = {t for t in self.tagsstring.split(',') if t} old = set(envelope.tags) if self.action == 'add': new = old.union(tags) elif self.action == 'remove': new = old.difference(tags) elif self.action == 'set': new = tags elif self.action == 'toggle': new = old.symmetric_difference(tags) envelope.tags = sorted(new) # reload buffer ui.current_buffer.rebuild()