# Copyright (C) 2011-2018 Patrick Totzke # Copyright © 2018 Dylan Baker # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file import asyncio import enum import logging import urwid from .buffer import Buffer from ..settings.const import settings from ..widgets.thread import MessageWidget, ThreadNode from .. import commands from ..db.errors import NonexistantObjectError class _ThreadBufFocus(enum.Enum): TREE = enum.auto() MESSAGE = enum.auto() class ThreadBuffer(Buffer): """displays a thread as a tree of messages.""" modename = 'thread' # list of the widgets containing the message body # indexed by its depth-first position in the thread tree _msg_widgets = None # widget showing the thread tree _msgtree_widget = None # WidgetPlaceholder that wraps currently displayed message _cur_msg_holder = None # WidgetPlaceholder that wraps current divider _divider_holder = None # divider widgets placed between the thread tree and the message _divider_up = None _divider_down = None def __init__(self, thread): """ :param thread: thread to display :type thread: :class:`~alot.db.Thread` """ self.thread = thread self._indent_width = settings.get('thread_indent_replies') # create the widgets composing the buffer self._msgtree_widget = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleFocusListWalker([])) self._divider_up = urwid.Divider('↑') self._divider_down = urwid.Divider('↓') self._divider_holder = urwid.WidgetPlaceholder(self._divider_up) self._cur_msg_holder = urwid.WidgetPlaceholder(urwid.SolidFill()) self.body = urwid.Pile([ # 0 is a dummy value and is overridden later rebuild() ('weight', 0, self._msgtree_widget), ('pack', self._divider_holder), # fixed weight for the message body # TODO: should it depend on the message body length (or perhaps something else)? ('weight', 50, self._cur_msg_holder), ]) urwid.connect_signal(self._msgtree_widget.body, "modified", self._update_cur_msg) self.rebuild() super().__init__() def __str__(self): return '[thread] %s (%d message%s)' % (self.thread.subject, self.thread.total_messages, 's' * (self.thread.total_messages > 1)) @property def _focus(self): if self.body.focus_position == 0: return _ThreadBufFocus.TREE elif self.body.focus_position == 2: return _ThreadBufFocus.MESSAGE else: raise ValueError('Invalid focus position: %s' % str(self.body.focus_position)) def _update_cur_msg(self): pos = self._msgtree_widget.body.focus if pos is not None and pos < len(self._msg_widgets): logging.debug('displaying message %s ', pos) self._cur_msg_holder.original_widget = self._msg_widgets[pos] def translated_tags_str(self, intersection=False): tags = self.thread.get_tags(intersection=intersection) trans = [settings.get_tagstring_representation(tag)['translated'] for tag in tags] return ' '.join(trans) def get_info(self): info = {} info['subject'] = self.thread.subject info['authors'] = self.thread.get_authors_string() info['tid'] = self.thread.id info['message_count'] = self.thread.total_messages info['thread_tags'] = self.translated_tags_str() info['intersection_tags'] = self.translated_tags_str(intersection=True) return info def rebuild(self): self._msg_widgets = [] self._msgtree_widget.body.clear() self._cur_msg_holder.original_widget = urwid.SolidFill() try: self.thread.refresh() except NonexistantObjectError: return list_walker = self._msgtree_widget.body for pos, msg in enumerate(self.thread.message_list): msg_wgt = MessageWidget(msg) wgt = ThreadNode(msg, self.thread, pos, self._indent_width) self._msg_widgets.append(msg_wgt) list_walker.append(wgt) # the weight given to the thread-tree widget is equal to the number of # messages in it, up to the limit of 50 (when it is equal to the message # body widget) tree_weight = min(len(self._msg_widgets), 50) self.body.contents[0] = (self._msgtree_widget, ('weight', tree_weight)) if len(self._msg_widgets) > 0: self._cur_msg_holder.original_widget = self._msg_widgets[0] def get_selected_message_position(self): """Return position of focussed message in the thread tree.""" return self._msgtree_widget.focus_position def get_selected_message_widget(self): """Return currently focused :class:`MessageWidget`.""" pos = self.get_selected_message_position() return self._msg_widgets[pos] def get_selected_message(self): """Return focussed :class:`~alot.db.message.Message`.""" return self.get_selected_message_widget().get_message() def get_selected_attachment(self): """ If an attachment widget is currently in focus, return the associated Attachment. Otherwise return None. """ if self._focus == _ThreadBufFocus.MESSAGE: msg_wgt = self.get_selected_message_widget() return msg_wgt.get_selected_attachment() return None def message_widgets(self): """ Iterate over all the message widgets in this buffer """ for w in self._msg_widgets: yield w def set_focus(self, pos): "Set the focus in the underlying body widget." logging.debug('setting focus to %s ', pos) self._msgtree_widget.set_focus(pos) def focus_first(self): """set focus to first message of thread""" self.set_focus(0) def focus_last(self): self.set_focus(max(self.thread.total_messages - 1, 0)) def focus_selected_message(self): """focus the summary line of currently focused message""" self.set_focus(self.get_selected_message_position()) def focus_parent(self): """move focus to parent of currently focused message""" msg = self.get_selected_message() if msg.parent: self.set_focus(self.thread.message_list.index(msg.parent)) def focus_first_reply(self): """move focus to first reply to currently focused message""" msg = self.get_selected_message() if len(msg.replies) > 0: new_focus = self.thread.message_list.index(msg.replies[0]) self.set_focus(new_focus) def focus_last_reply(self): """move focus to last reply to currently focused message""" msg = self.get_selected_message() if len(msg.replies) > 0: new_focus = self.thread.message_list.index(msg.replies[-1]) self.set_focus(new_focus) def focus_next_sibling(self): """focus next sibling of currently focussed message in thread tree""" pos_next = self.get_selected_message_position() + 1 depth = self.get_selected_message().depth if (pos_next < self.thread.total_messages and self.thread.message_list[pos_next].depth == depth): self.set_focus(pos_next) def focus_prev_sibling(self): """ focus previous sibling of currently focussed message in thread tree """ pos_next = self.get_selected_message_position() - 1 depth = self.get_selected_message().depth if (pos_next < self.thread.total_messages and self.thread.message_list[pos_next].depth == depth): self.set_focus(pos_next) def focus_next(self): """focus next message in depth first order""" next_focus = self.get_selected_message_position() + 1 if next_focus >= 0 and next_focus < self.thread.total_messages: self.set_focus(next_focus) def focus_prev(self): """focus previous message in depth first order""" next_focus = self.get_selected_message_position() - 1 if next_focus >= 0 and next_focus < self.thread.total_messages: self.set_focus(next_focus) _DIR_NEXT = 0 _DIR_PREV = 1 _DIR_FIRST = 2 _DIR_LAST = 3 def _focus_property(self, prop, direction): """does a walk in the given direction and focuses the first message that matches the given property""" cur_pos = self.get_selected_message_position() if direction == self._DIR_NEXT: walk = range(cur_pos + 1, self.thread.total_messages) elif direction == self._DIR_FIRST: walk = range(0, self.thread.total_messages) elif direction == self._DIR_PREV: walk = reversed(range(0, cur_pos)) elif direction == self._DIR_LAST: walk = reversed(range(0, self.thread.total_messages)) else: raise ValueError('Invalid focus_propery direction: ' + str(direction)) for pos in walk: if prop(self._msg_widgets[pos]): self.set_focus(pos) break def focus_next_matching(self, querystring): """focus next matching message in depth first order""" self._focus_property(lambda x: x.get_message().matches(querystring), self._DIR_NEXT) def focus_prev_matching(self, querystring): """focus previous matching message in depth first order""" self._focus_property(lambda x: x.get_message().matches(querystring), self._DIR_PREV) def focus_first_matching(self, querystring): """focus first matching message in depth first order""" self._focus_property(lambda x: x.get_message().matches(querystring), self._DIR_FIRST) def focus_last_matching(self, querystring): """focus last matching message in depth first order""" self._focus_property(lambda x: x.get_message().matches(querystring), self._DIR_LAST) def focus_thread_widget(self): """set focus on the thread widget""" logging.debug('setting focus to thread widget') self.body.focus_position = 0 self._divider_holder.original_widget = self._divider_up def focus_msg_widget(self): """set focus on the message widget""" logging.debug('setting focus to message widget') self.body.focus_position = 2 self._divider_holder.original_widget = self._divider_down def focus_toggle(self): if self._focus == _ThreadBufFocus.TREE: self.focus_msg_widget() else: self.focus_thread_widget()