import urwid from notmuch.globals import NotmuchError import widgets from settings import settings import commands from walker import PipeWalker from helper import shorten_author_string from db import NonexistantObjectError class Buffer(object): """Abstract base class for buffers.""" modename = None # mode identifier for subclasses def __init__(self, ui, widget): self.ui = ui self.body = widget def __str__(self): return '[%s]' % self.modename def render(self, size, focus=False): return self.body.render(size, focus) def selectable(self): return self.body.selectable() def rebuild(self): """tells the buffer to (re)construct its visible content.""" pass def keypress(self, size, key): return self.body.keypress(size, key) def cleanup(self): """called before buffer is dismissed""" pass class BufferlistBuffer(Buffer): """lists all active buffers""" modename = 'bufferlist' def __init__(self, ui, filtfun=None): self.filtfun = filtfun self.ui = ui self.isinitialized = False self.rebuild() Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body) def index_of(self, b): """ returns the index of :class:`Buffer` `b` in the global list of active buffers. """ return self.ui.buffers.index(b) def rebuild(self): if self.isinitialized: focusposition = self.bufferlist.get_focus()[1] else: focusposition = 0 self.isinitialized = True lines = list() displayedbuffers = filter(self.filtfun, self.ui.buffers) for (num, b) in enumerate(displayedbuffers): line = widgets.BufferlineWidget(b) if (num % 2) == 0: attr = settings.get_theming_attribute('bufferlist', 'results_even') else: attr = settings.get_theming_attribute('bufferlist', 'results_odd') focus_att = settings.get_theming_attribute('bufferlist', 'focus') buf = urwid.AttrMap(line, attr, focus_att) num = urwid.Text('%3d:' % self.index_of(b)) lines.append(urwid.Columns([('fixed', 4, num), buf])) self.bufferlist = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker(lines)) self.bufferlist.set_focus(focusposition % len(displayedbuffers)) self.body = self.bufferlist def get_selected_buffer(self): """returns currently selected :class:`Buffer` element from list""" (linewidget, pos) = self.bufferlist.get_focus() bufferlinewidget = linewidget.get_focus().original_widget return bufferlinewidget.get_buffer() class EnvelopeBuffer(Buffer): """message composition mode""" modename = 'envelope' def __init__(self, ui, envelope): self.ui = ui self.envelope = envelope self.all_headers = False self.rebuild() Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body) def __str__(self): to = self.envelope.get('To', fallback='unset') return '[envelope] to: %s' % (shorten_author_string(to, 400)) def rebuild(self): displayed_widgets = [] hidden = settings.get('envelope_headers_blacklist') #build lines lines = [] for (k, vlist) in self.envelope.headers.items(): if (k not in hidden) or self.all_headers: for value in vlist: lines.append((k, value)) self.header_wgt = widgets.HeadersList(lines) displayed_widgets.append(self.header_wgt) #display attachments lines = [] for a in self.envelope.attachments: lines.append(widgets.AttachmentWidget(a, selectable=False)) if lines: self.attachment_wgt = urwid.Pile(lines) displayed_widgets.append(self.attachment_wgt) self.body_wgt = urwid.Text(self.envelope.body) displayed_widgets.append(self.body_wgt) self.body = urwid.ListBox(displayed_widgets) def toggle_all_headers(self): """toggles visibility of all envelope headers""" self.all_headers = not self.all_headers self.rebuild() class SearchBuffer(Buffer): """shows a result list of threads for a query""" modename = 'search' threads = [] def __init__(self, ui, initialquery='', sort_order=None): self.dbman = ui.dbman self.ui = ui self.querystring = initialquery default_order = settings.get('search_threads_sort_order') self.sort_order = sort_order or default_order self.result_count = 0 self.isinitialized = False self.proc = None # process that fills our pipe self.rebuild() Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body) def __str__(self): formatstring = '[search] for "%s" (%d thread%s)' return formatstring % (self.querystring, self.result_count, 's' * (not (self.result_count == 1))) def cleanup(self): self.kill_filler_process() def kill_filler_process(self): """ terminates the process that fills this buffers :class:`~alot.walker.PipeWalker`. """ if self.proc: if self.proc.is_alive(): self.proc.terminate() def rebuild(self): if self.isinitialized: pass #focusposition = self.threadlist.get_focus()[1] else: #focusposition = 0 self.isinitialized = True self.kill_filler_process() self.result_count = self.dbman.count_messages(self.querystring) try: self.pipe, self.proc = self.dbman.get_threads(self.querystring, self.sort_order) except NotmuchError: self.ui.notify('malformed query string: %s' % self.querystring, 'error') self.listbox = urwid.ListBox(self.threadlist) self.body = self.listbox return self.threadlist = PipeWalker(self.pipe, widgets.ThreadlineWidget, dbman=self.dbman) self.listbox = urwid.ListBox(self.threadlist) #self.threadlist.set_focus(focusposition) self.body = self.listbox def get_selected_threadline(self): """ returns curently focussed :class:`alot.widgets.ThreadlineWidget` from the result list. """ (threadlinewidget, size) = self.threadlist.get_focus() return threadlinewidget def get_selected_thread(self): """returns currently selected :class:`~alot.db.Thread`""" threadlinewidget = self.get_selected_threadline() thread = None if threadlinewidget: thread = threadlinewidget.get_thread() return thread class ThreadBuffer(Buffer): """displays a thread as a tree of messages""" modename = 'thread' def __init__(self, ui, thread): self.message_count = thread.get_total_messages() self.thread = thread self.rebuild() Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body) def __str__(self): return '[thread] %s (%d message%s)' % (self.thread.get_subject(), self.message_count, 's' * (self.message_count > 1)) def get_selected_thread(self): """returns the displayed :class:`~alot.db.Thread`""" return self.thread def _build_pile(self, acc, msg, parent, depth): acc.append((parent, depth, msg)) for reply in self.thread.get_replies_to(msg): self._build_pile(acc, reply, msg, depth + 1) def rebuild(self): try: self.thread.refresh() except NonexistantObjectError: self.body = urwid.SolidFill() self.message_count = 0 return # depth-first traversing the thread-tree, thereby # 1) build a list of tuples (parentmsg, depth, message) in DF order # 2) create a dict that counts no. of direct replies per message messages = list() # accumulator for 1, childcount = {None: 0} # accumulator for 2) for msg, replies in self.thread.get_messages().items(): childcount[msg] = len(replies) # start with all toplevel msgs, then recursively call _build_pile for msg in self.thread.get_toplevel_messages(): self._build_pile(messages, msg, None, 0) childcount[None] += 1 # go through list from 1) and pile up message widgets for all msgs. # each one will be given its depth, if siblings follow and where to # draw bars (siblings follow at lower depths) msglines = list() bars = [] for (num, (p, depth, m)) in enumerate(messages): bars = bars[:depth] childcount[p] -= 1 bars.append(childcount[p] > 0) mwidget = widgets.MessageWidget(m, even=(num % 2 == 0), depth=depth, bars_at=bars) msglines.append(mwidget) self.body = urwid.ListBox(msglines) self.message_count = self.thread.get_total_messages() def get_selection(self): """returns focussed :class:`~alot.widgets.MessageWidget`""" (messagewidget, size) = self.body.get_focus() return messagewidget def get_messagewidgets(self): """returns all message widgets contained in this list""" return self.body.body.contents def get_selected_message(self): """returns focussed :class:`~alot.message.Message`""" messagewidget = self.get_selection() return messagewidget.get_message() def get_message_widgets(self): """ returns all :class:`MessageWidgets ` displayed in this thread-tree. """ return self.body.body.contents def get_focus(self): return self.body.get_focus() def unfold_matching(self, querystring): """ unfolds those :class:`MessageWidgets ` that represent :class:`Messages ` matching `querystring`. """ for mw in self.get_message_widgets(): msg = mw.get_message() if msg.matches(querystring): mw.folded = False if 'unread' in msg.get_tags(): msg.remove_tags(['unread']) self.ui.apply_command(commands.globals.FlushCommand()) mw.rebuild() class TagListBuffer(Buffer): """lists all tagstrings present in the notmuch database""" modename = 'taglist' def __init__(self, ui, alltags=[], filtfun=None): self.filtfun = filtfun self.ui = ui self.tags = alltags self.isinitialized = False self.rebuild() Buffer.__init__(self, ui, self.body) def rebuild(self): if self.isinitialized: focusposition = self.taglist.get_focus()[1] else: focusposition = 0 self.isinitialized = True lines = list() displayedtags = sorted(filter(self.filtfun, self.tags), key=unicode.lower) for (num, b) in enumerate(displayedtags): tw = widgets.TagWidget(b) lines.append(urwid.Columns([('fixed', tw.width(), tw)])) self.taglist = urwid.ListBox(urwid.SimpleListWalker(lines)) self.body = self.taglist self.taglist.set_focus(focusposition % len(displayedtags)) def get_selected_tag(self): """returns selected tagstring""" (cols, pos) = self.taglist.get_focus() tagwidget = cols.get_focus() return tagwidget.get_tag()