# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Patrick Totzke # This file is released under the GNU GPL, version 3 or a later revision. # For further details see the COPYING file from __future__ import absolute_import import abc import glob import logging import mailbox import os from .helper import call_cmd_async from .helper import split_commandstring class SendingMailFailed(RuntimeError): pass class StoreMailError(Exception): pass class Account(object): """ Datastructure that represents an email account. It manages this account's settings, can send and store mails to maildirs (drafts/send). .. note:: This is an abstract class that leaves :meth:`send_mail` unspecified. See :class:`SendmailAccount` for a subclass that uses a sendmail command to send out mails. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta address = None """this accounts main email address""" aliases = [] """list of alternative addresses""" alias_regexp = [] """regex matching alternative addresses""" realname = None """real name used to format from-headers""" gpg_key = None """gpg fingerprint for this account's private key""" signature = None """signature to append to outgoing mails""" signature_filename = None """filename of signature file in attachment""" signature_as_attachment = None """attach signature file instead of appending its content to body text""" abook = None """addressbook (:class:`addressbook.AddressBook`) managing this accounts contacts""" def __init__(self, address=None, aliases=None, alias_regexp=None, realname=None, gpg_key=None, signature=None, signature_filename=None, signature_as_attachment=False, sent_box=None, sent_tags=None, draft_box=None, draft_tags=None, abook=None, sign_by_default=False, encrypt_by_default=u"none", **_): sent_tags = sent_tags or [] if 'sent' not in sent_tags: sent_tags.append('sent') draft_tags = draft_tags or [] if 'draft' not in draft_tags: draft_tags.append('draft') self.address = address self.aliases = aliases or [] self.alias_regexp = alias_regexp self.realname = realname self.gpg_key = gpg_key self.signature = signature self.signature_filename = signature_filename self.signature_as_attachment = signature_as_attachment self.sign_by_default = sign_by_default self.sent_box = sent_box self.sent_tags = sent_tags self.draft_box = draft_box self.draft_tags = draft_tags self.abook = abook # Handle encrypt_by_default in an backwards compatible way. The # logging info call can later be upgraded to warning or error. encrypt_by_default = encrypt_by_default.lower() msg = "Deprecation warning: The format for the encrypt_by_default " \ "option changed. Please use 'none', 'all' or 'trusted'." if encrypt_by_default in (u"true", u"yes", u"1"): encrypt_by_default = u"all" logging.info(msg) elif encrypt_by_default in (u"false", u"no", u"0"): encrypt_by_default = u"none" logging.info(msg) self.encrypt_by_default = encrypt_by_default def get_addresses(self): """return all email addresses connected to this account, in order of their importance""" return [self.address] + self.aliases @staticmethod def store_mail(mbx, mail): """ stores given mail in mailbox. If mailbox is maildir, set the S-flag and return path to newly added mail. Oherwise this will return `None`. :param mbx: mailbox to use :type mbx: :class:`mailbox.Mailbox` :param mail: the mail to store :type mail: :class:`email.message.Message` or str :returns: absolute path of mail-file for Maildir or None if mail was successfully stored :rtype: str or None :raises: StoreMailError """ if not isinstance(mbx, mailbox.Mailbox): logging.debug('Not a mailbox') return False mbx.lock() if isinstance(mbx, mailbox.Maildir): logging.debug('Maildir') msg = mailbox.MaildirMessage(mail) msg.set_flags('S') else: logging.debug('no Maildir') msg = mailbox.Message(mail) try: message_id = mbx.add(msg) mbx.flush() mbx.unlock() logging.debug('got mailbox msg id : %s', message_id) except Exception as e: raise StoreMailError(e) path = None # add new Maildir message to index and add tags if isinstance(mbx, mailbox.Maildir): # this is a dirty hack to get the path to the newly added file # I wish the mailbox module were more helpful... plist = glob.glob1(os.path.join(mbx._path, 'new'), message_id + '*') if plist: path = os.path.join(mbx._path, 'new', plist[0]) logging.debug('path of saved msg: %s', path) return path def store_sent_mail(self, mail): """ stores mail (:class:`email.message.Message` or str) in send-store if :attr:`sent_box` is set. """ if self.sent_box is not None: return self.store_mail(self.sent_box, mail) def store_draft_mail(self, mail): """ stores mail (:class:`email.message.Message` or str) as draft if :attr:`draft_box` is set. """ if self.draft_box is not None: return self.store_mail(self.draft_box, mail) @abc.abstractmethod def send_mail(self, mail): """ sends given mail :param mail: the mail to send :type mail: :class:`email.message.Message` or string :returns: a `Deferred` that errs back with a class:`SendingMailFailed`, containing a reason string if an error occured. """ pass class SendmailAccount(Account): """:class:`Account` that pipes a message to a `sendmail` shell command for sending""" def __init__(self, cmd, **kwargs): """ :param cmd: sendmail command to use for this account :type cmd: str """ super(SendmailAccount, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cmd = cmd def send_mail(self, mail): """Pipe the given mail to the configured sendmail command. Display a short message on success or a notification on error. :param mail: the mail to send out :type mail: :class:`email.message.Message` or string :returns: the deferred that calls the sendmail command :rtype: `twisted.internet.defer.Deferred` """ cmdlist = split_commandstring(self.cmd) def cb(out): """The callback used on success.""" logging.info('sent mail successfully') logging.info(out) def errb(failure): """The callback used on error.""" termobj = failure.value errmsg = '%s failed with code %s:\n%s' % \ (self.cmd, termobj.exitCode, str(failure.value)) logging.error(errmsg) logging.error(failure.getTraceback()) logging.error(failure.value.stderr) raise SendingMailFailed(errmsg) # make sure self.mail is a string mail = str(mail) d = call_cmd_async(cmdlist, stdin=mail) d.addCallback(cb) d.addErrback(errb) return d