[![Build Status][travis-img]][travis] [![Code Issues][quantcode-img]][quantcode] Alot is a terminal-based mail user agent based on the [notmuch mail indexer][notmuch]. It is written in python using the [urwid][urwid] toolkit and features a modular and command prompt driven interface to provide a full MUA experience as an alternative to the Emacs mode shipped with notmuch. Notable Features ---------------- * multiple accounts for sending mails via sendmail * can spawn terminal windows for asynchronous editing of mails * tab completion and usage help for all commands * contacts completion using customizable lookups commands * user configurable keyboard maps * customizable colour and layout themes * python hooks to react on events and do custom formatting * forward/reply/group-reply of emails * printing/piping of mails and threads * configurable status bar with notification popups * database manager that manages a write queue to the notmuch index * full support for PGP/MIME encryption and signing Installation and Customization ------------------------------ Have a look at the [user manual][docs] for installation notes, advanced usage, customization, hacking guides and [frequently asked questions][FAQ]. We also collect user-contributed hooks and hacks in a [wiki][wiki]. Most of the developers hang out in `#alot@freenode`, feel free to ask questions or make suggestions there. You are welcome to open issues or pull-requests on the github page. Basic Usage ----------- The arrow keys, `page-up/down`, `j`, `k` and `Space` can be used to move the focus. `Escape` cancels prompts and `Enter` selects. Hit `:` at any time and type in commands to the prompt. The interface shows one buffer at a time, you can use `Tab` and `Shift-Tab` to switch between them, close the current buffer with `d` and list them all with `;`. The buffer type or *mode* (displayed at the bottom left) determines which prompt commands are available. Usage information on any command can be listed by typing `help YOURCOMMAND` to the prompt; The key bindings for the current mode are listed upon pressing `?`. See the [manual][docs] for more usage info. [notmuch]: http://notmuchmail.org/ [urwid]: http://excess.org/urwid/ [docs]: http://alot.rtfd.org [wiki]: https://github.com/pazz/alot/wiki [FAQ]: http://alot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq.html [features]: https://github.com/pazz/alot/issues?labels=feature [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/pazz/alot [quantcode]: https://www.quantifiedcode.com/app/project/c5aaa4739c5b4f6eb75eaaf8c01da679 [travis-img]: https://travis-ci.org/pazz/alot.svg?branch=master [quantcode-img]: https://www.quantifiedcode.com/api/v1/project/c5aaa4739c5b4f6eb75eaaf8c01da679/badge.svg