0.12 * smarter in-string-tabcompletion * added ability to pipe messages/treads to custom shellcommands * initial searchstring configurable in configfile * prompt non-blocking (new syntax for prompts!) * fix attachment saving Thanks: Ruben Pollan, Luke Macken 0.11 This minor release is mostly bug fixes and some small features. I wanted to release a more stable and usable version before I start hacking on a thread view rewrite. * renamed config section [tag translate] to [tag-translate] * docs: more elaborate API docs, INSTALL and USAGE as markdown in github wiki * more compact header displays in thread view * command-line history (for one session) * editor file encoding is now user configurable * signatures for outgoing mails per account * optional display of message content in search results * config option for strftime formating of timestamps * printing * fix parse multiline headers from edited tempfile * fix reply to unusually formated mails (e.g. no recipient) * fix lots of encoding issues * handle extra wide characters in tag widgets * fixes in ui.prompt * fix storing outgoing mails to sent_box * more liberal header encoding for outgoing mails * use mimetype lib to guess right content-type of attachments